
单词 half-sister
释义 half-sister
[Not recorded in OE., though healf-sweostor was prob. in use: cf. MHG. halpswester (G. halbschwester), Sw. halfsyster, Da. halvsöster.]
1. A sister by one parent only.
c1205Lay. 8412 He wes his hælue suster sune.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2464 Arthurez half suster Þe duches doȝter of Tyntagelle.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxv. 120 Half sisters of þer fader syde wedd þai.1530Palsgr. 228/2 Halfe suster, sevr uterine.1868Freeman Norm. Conq. II. App. 587 The elder Countess Adelaide has been commonly taken to be only a half-sister of William.
fig.1832Tennyson ‘Love thou thy land’ 96 Raw Haste, half-sister to Delay.1872O. W. Holmes Poet Breakf.-t. v. (1885) 118 The genius for religion..is half-sister to the genius for music.
2. A lay sister in a convent. Obs.
1482Marg. Paston's Will in Paston Lett. No. 861 III. 284 Iche hole and half susters at Normans in Norwich.

