
单词 shimmer
释义 I. shimmer, n.1|ˈʃɪmə(r)|
[f. shimmer v.1 Cf. LG. schemmer, NFris. skimer, G. schimmer, Sw. skimmer.]
A shimmering light or glow; a subdued tremulous light.
1821Scott Kenilw. vi, Two silver lamps, fed with perfumed oil, diffused..a trembling twilight-seeming shimmer through the quiet apartment.1847C. Brontë J. Eyre xxv, The strange, wraith-like apparel..which, at this evening hour..gave out..a most ghostly shimmer through the shadow of my apartment.1863M. E. Braddon Eleanor's Vict. i, The first shimmer of the moonlight was silvery on the water.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 590 The papules..having a wax-like shimmer.
transf. and fig.1851Carlyle Sterling ii. iii, A kind of childlike half-embarrassed shimmer of expression, on his fine vivid countenance.1854Emerson Lett. & Soc. Aims, Poet. & Imag., One man sees a spark or shimmer of the truth.
II. shimmer, n.2 U.S.|ˈʃɪmə(r)|
[f. shim v.2 + -er.]
a. A workman who inserts shims in cabinet work, etc.
b. = shim n.2 5. (In recent U.S. Dicts.)
III. shimmer, v.1|ˈʃɪmə(r)|
Forms: 1 scymrian, 3 schimere, 4 schymere, 4–5 s(c)hemere, 6 shy-, shimer, 6– shimmer.
[late OE. scymrian = WFris. skimerje, NFris. skimere to shimmer, (M)LG., (M)Du. schêmeren to be shaded or shadowy, to glimmer, glitter, G. schimmern, Sw. skimra; related to shim v.1 Cf. the northern skimmer.]
1. intr. To shine with a tremulous or flickering light; to gleam faintly. In early use also, to shine brightly, glisten.
a1100Chrodegang's Rule 41 in Napier Contrib. OE. Lexic. (1906) 16 Soðlice þa se dæᵹredleoma beorhte scymrode, þa Drihten..of helle aras.c1230[see shimmering ppl. a.].a1240Sawles Warde in O.E. Hom. I. 257 Al þat hus schineð ant schimmeð [v.r. schimereð] of his leome.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 772 Hit [a castle] schemered & schon þurȝ þe schyre okez.c1400Destr. Troy 4974 Frut..Þat shemert as shire as any shene stonys.1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 5 b, The Chrusopasse is a Stone of Ethiope, which in the day light shimmereth not.1582Stanyhurst æneis iv. 82 Thee next day foloing lustring Aurora lay shymring, Her saffrond mattresse leauing to her bedfelo Tithon.1623,1655[see shimmering vbl. n. and ppl. a.].
1805Scott Last Minstr. i. xvii, Twinkling faint, and distant far, Shimmers through mist each planet star.1860Thackeray Lovel iv, Often your figure shimmers through my dreams.1871Green Let. to W. B. Dawkins 29 Jan., Blue sea..shimmering with colour.1874Symonds Sk. Italy & Greece (1898) I. xiii. 254 Distant islands shimmering in sun-litten haze.1877S. A. Brooke Fight of Faith xxiv. 394 The [frozen] ponds..shimmer dark like polished steel.
2. intr. To move effortlessly; to glide, drift (by, off, etc.).
1904in Eng. Dial. Dict. V. 385 [Yorks.] He shimmered by, a piece o' way off.1923Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves x. 102 Jeeves shimmered off, and Cyril blew in, full of good cheer and blitheringness.1930C. Williams War in Heaven xi. 176 ‘I just want to shimmer up, like Jeeves, not walk,’ she said.1973M. Amis Rachel Papers 151 Move my hand over her bronze tights, tracing her hip-bone, circling beneath the overhang of her buttock, shimmer flat-palmed down the back of her legs.
IV. ˈshimmer, v.2
[f. shimmer n.2]
= shim v.2 2.
1908J. B. Davidson & Chase Farm Mach. 71 (Century Dict. Suppl.), A remedy for this [poor fitting of share and moldboard] is procured by shimmering the share up or down with small pieces of paste-board.

