
单词 cheverel
释义 I. ˈcheverel, n.1 Obs.
Forms: 5 chevrelle, 5–7 cheverell(e, 5–8 cheverel, (6 chaverell), 6–7 chiverel(l, cheveril(l.
[ME. chevrelle, a. OF. chevrele, -elle kid (Romanic type *caprella), dim. of chèvre:—capra, she-goat; in mod.F. replaced by the synon. chevrette.]
1. lit. Kid; but always used in the sense of the full cheverel-leather, kid-leather. (Noted for its pliancy and capability of being stretched.)
a1400Cov. Myst. (1841) 241 Two doseyn poyntys of cheverelle, the aglottes of sylver feyn.c1440Promp. Parv. 73 Cheurelle, leddare.1530Palsgr. 205/1 Cheverell lether, cheuerotin.1576Bp. Curtis Serm. viii. (J.) The nature of cheveril leather is, that if a man take it by the sides and pull it in breadth, he may make a little point as broad as both his hands; if he take it by the ends and pull it in length, he may make it as small as a thread.1589Pappe w. Hatchet D ij, If they make their consciences stretch like chiuerel in the raine.1609R. Armin Maids of More-Cl. (1880) 108 A gloue of warmth, Not cheuerell.1755Johnson, Cheveril..now obsolete.
fig.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. iv. 87 Here's a wit of cheverell, that stretches from an ynch to an ell broad.
2. attrib. Made of cheverel-leather.
1515Will of Symson (Somerset Ho.) Cheverell purse.1549Chaloner Erasm. on Folly R j a, To streche out heaven, that is to saie holy writte, lyke a cheverell skynne.1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. i. 13 A sentence is but a cheu'rill gloue to a good witte, how quickely the wrong side may be turn'd outward.1607Topsell Serpents 734 Stretching like a cheverell-glove.
b. fig. Of the nature of cheverel-leather; stretching, flexible, pliable, yielding, elastic; esp. in phrase a cheverel conscience.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. 12 The lawiers have such chauerell consciences.1605T. Hutton Reasons for Refusal 62 In his cheverel fancie.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, ii. iii. 32 The Capacity Of your soft Chiuerell Conscience.1662Fuller Worthies iv. 4 Cheverel-consciences, which will stretch any way for advantage.1673Hickeringill Gregory's Father Grey-b. 302 With wide open Mouth and Cheveril Lungs.1705Priest-Craft ii. vii. 72 Get Cheverel-Charity, that will stretch, wide, wide.
3. Comb., as cheverel-brained, cheverel-conscienced.
1608Day Law Trickes iv. i. (1881) 58 Ile see which of my cheuerill braind immitators dares follow my fashion.1630J. Taylor (Water P.) Praise Hempseed Wks. iii. 73/2 A cheuerell conscienced Vsurer.
II. ˈcheverel, n.2 ? Obs.
(See quot.)
[1721–1800Bailey, Cheverillus [Old Law], a young cock or cockling.]1766Pennant Zool. (1768) I. 450 A variety of goldfinch..called by the London bird-catchers a cheverel, from the manner in which it concludes its jerk.

