
单词 town-ditch
释义 town-ditch Now Hist.
The ditch or moat surrounding a walled town.
1423Coventry Leet Bk. 48 Poody-Crofte, þe wich lieth from Crow-lane vnto a diche, þat is callyd the town diche in breid.1568Grafton Chron. II. 1349 Ridley and Latimer..were sone condempned, and after burned in the towne Diche at Oxforde.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 466 At the verie instant there was espied an hare, running crosse over the towne ditch.1680C. Nesse Church. Hist. 213 Oh that our reformers had cast all Romish reliques into the town-ditch!

