
单词 fore-wit
释义 I. ˈfore-wit, n. Obs.
Also 4–6 forwit.
[f. fore- prefix + wit.]
1. Fore-knowledge, foresight, prudence.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 166 Seynt Gregorie..had a gode forwit.1503Hawes Examp. Virt. v. (Arb.) 16 Thinges..with a forwytte kepte in store.1546J. Heywood Prov. (1867) 15 Yet is one good forewit woorth two after wits.1631Gouge God's Arrows iii. lix. 292 Had the fore-wit of the Aramites beene as good as their after-wit.
2. A leading ‘wit’, a leader in matters of taste or literature.
1637B. Jonson Sad Sheph. Prol. 41 Nor that the Fore⁓wits that would draw the rest Vnto their liking, alwayes like the best.
II. fore-ˈwit, v. Obs.
Pres. 1st, 3rd sing. -wot. Also for-
[OE. fore-, forwitan, f. fore- prefix, for- prefix2 + witan, wit v.]
trans. To know beforehand.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxxix. §5 On þam hean sceopperde þe eall forewat hu hit ᵹeweorþan sceal.c1374Chaucer Troylus iv. 1043 (1071) Thilke sovereyn purveyaunce, That forwoot alle, withouten ignoraunce.c1384H. Fame (Sk.) 45 If the soule..Be so parfit..That hit forwot that is to come.c1400Test. Love iii. (1532) 352 God by necessitee forwote al thynges comyng.
Hence fore-ˈwitting vbl. n., fore-knowledge. Also fore-ˈwitter, one who knows beforehand.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. v. pr. vi. 178 God byholder and forwiter of alle þinges dwelliþ aboue.c1386Nun's Pr. T. 423 Goddis worthy forwetyng Streigneth me needely for to do a thing.

