
单词 forelook
释义 I. forelook, n.|ˈfɔəlʊk|
[f. fore- prefix + look n.; cf. next.]
a. A look forward (obs. exc. U.S.)
b. The habit or power of looking forward; Foresight, providence.
1357Lay Folks Catech. 143 The saule..went untill hell and toke oute thas..Whilke he in his forloke wold that wer saued.c1420Sir Amadas (Weber) 373 Ther Y had an hondorthe marke of rent; Y spentte hit all in lyghtte atent, Of suche forlok was Y.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. cxc. 1181 It is to be concluded then, that Moses had a further forelook.1882E. P. Goodwin Serm. bef. Amer. Bd. Comm. For. Missions 7 The gospel was to be preached..with equal..forelook of triumph to all who would receive it.1883Hale Christm. in Palace viii. 192 She had a week's provant in the house; and that was a very long forelook for her.
II. forelook, v.|fɔəˈlʊk|
Also for-.
[f. fore- prefix + look v. (In sense 3 perh. f. for- prefix1).]
1. trans. To look at or see ahead or beforehand, foresee; to watch over. Also refl.
a1300Cursor M. 8211 (Cott.) Godd..þat all for-lokes in his sight.c1300Ibid. 28056 (Cott. Galba) Ilk man suld him forloke..þat his conciens be clene.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1946 Na man..can þe tyme of þe dede forluke.
2. intr. To look ahead or forward.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 551 He shall dylygentlye fore⁓loke and see that Goddys wylle be done.1603B. Jonson King's Entertainm. 19 Wks. (Rtldg.) 529/2 Then did I forelook, And saw this day mark'd white in Clotho's book.1847Emerson Poems (1857) 146 The World-soul knows his own affair, Forelooking, when he would prepare For the next ages.
3. To bewitch by a look. Cf. overlook. Obs.
1596Thomas Ital. Dict. (1606), Fascino, to bewitch..to forelooke.1611Cotgr., Ensorceler..To charme..fore⁓looke, eye-bite.
Hence foreˈlooking ppl. a. Also foreˈlooker, one who forelooks.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. iii. 34 God is the forlookere [Vulg. prospector] of hym that ȝeldeth grace.Ibid. xi. 32 As the forlookere seende the falling of his neȝhebore.1870Emerson Soc. & Solit. vi. 118 A forelooking tenderness.

