
单词 disconform
释义 I. disconˈform, a. Sc.
[f. dis- 10 + conform a., after L. dis-similis, etc.]
Not conformable. In Sc. Law the opposite of conform a.
1609Skene Reg. Maj. 120 The forme and proving of exception be witnes, is divers, and disconforme to the maner of the probation of the libell.1890Scott. Leader 29 Jan. 4 That they were ‘disconform’ to the spirit of the Improvement Act.1891Law Times XCII. 188/2 It was seen conclusively that the wheat was disconform to sample.
II. disconˈform, v. Obs.
[f. dis- 6 + conform v.]
intr. To do the opposite of conforming; to disagree or differ in practice. Const. to, from.
a1670Hacket Abp. Williams i. (1692) 212 (D.) That they do it only out of crossness to disconform to your practise.1678Norris Coll. Misc. (1699) 86 Thy Pardon my sweet Saint I implore, My soul ne're disconform'd from thine before.

