
单词 Homerical
释义 Hoˈmerical, a. Obs.
[f. as prec. + -al1.]
= Homeric. Homerical medicines: see quot. 1584.
1578in Nichols Progr. Q. Eliz. (1823) II. 172 The Homericall Jupiter.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xii. xiii. (1886) 195 Of these Homericall medicines he saith there are foure sorts, whereof amulets, characters, and charmes are three..the fourth..he saith, consisteth in illusions, which he more properlie calleth stratagems [Ibid. xii, Ferrarius..saith that this is called Homerica medicatio, bicause Homer discovered the bloud of the word suppressed, and the infections healed by or in mysteries].1779–81Johnson L.P., Pope Wks. IV. 126 It has been objected by some..that Pope's version of Homer is not Homerical.

