
单词 hump-back
释义 ˈhumpback, hump-back, n. (a.)
[See hump n. In this combination, as in hump shoulder, hump may be taken as an adj.: cf. the earlier crump-back, under crump a.]
A. n.
1. (ˌhump-ˈback.) A back having a hump; a humped back.
1697Vanbrugh æsop ii. Wks. (Rtldg.) 373/1 Who'd think that little hump-back of his should have so much brains in't?1709[see hump n. 1].1731Medley Kolben's Cape G. Hope II. 64, I have never met with one, Bull, Ox, or Cow..with a high Hump-back.1840F. D. Bennett Whaling Voy. I. 118 Those who are deformed with hump-backs bear the greatest share of reputation.
2. (ˈhumpback.) A person with a humped back; a hunchback.
1712tr. Arab. Nts. xcix. (ed. 2) III. 125 He march'd along as they did and follow'd Humpback.1715Ibid. clxxxiv. (ed. 3) V. 67 That Hump-back is not dead.1852Motley Corr. (1889) I. v. 139 Humpbacks and cripples.1860Geo. Eliot Mill on Fl. ii. iii, An ill-natured humpback.
3. = humpback salmon, sucker, whale: see B.
1725Dudley in Phil. Trans. XXXIII. 258 Both the Finbacks and Humpbacks are shaped in Reeves longitudinal from Head to Tail on their Bellies and their Sides.1840F. D. Bennett Whaling Voy. II. 232 The Humpback is seldom molested by whalers.1881Amer. Naturalist XV. 182 The hump-back, taken in salt water about Seattle, shows the same peculiarities.1913Chambers's Jrnl. Oct. 729/1 The ‘steel-head’, the ‘dog-salmon’, and the ‘humpback’.1955[see Chinook b].1963Vancouver Sun 13 Aug. 14/1 Humpback is the old and still popular name for the pink salmon.1965A. J. McClane Standard Fishing Encycl. 411/1 The humpback [sucker] prefers the slow-moving parts of larger streams.
B. attrib. or as adj. (ˈhumpback). Having a hump on the back; hump-backed. humpback salmon = gorbuscha, haddo; humpback sucker U.S., Xyrauchen texanus, a freshwater fish of the Colorado basin; humpback whale, a whale of the genus Megaptera, so called because the low dorsal fin forms a characteristic hump on the back.
1725Dudley in Phil. Trans. XXXIII. 258 The Bunch or humpback Whale, is distinguished from the right Whale, by having a Bunch standing in the Place where the Fin does in the Finback.1860Merc. Marine Mag. VII. 211 Whales of the ‘humpback’ species.1869Mainland Guardian (New Westminster, B.C.) 25 Sept. 2/1 The Oleys or Hones appear every alternate year; they are known as the Humpback salmon.1881Amer. Naturalist XV. 177 The fact that the hump-back salmon runs only on alternate years in Puget sound..is well attested.1891[see gorbuscha].1965A. J. McClane Standard Fishing Encycl. 410/2 Humpback sucker Xyrauchen texanus.1971B. Muus Freshwater Fish Brit. & Europe 64/2 The humpback salmon is distinguished from other Pacific salmon by its short, 2-year life-cycle.

