
单词 cramp-iron
释义 ˈcramp-iron
Also 6 cramperon, -pern(e.
[f. cramp n.2 + iron.]
1. A piece of iron bent in the form of a hook; a grappling-iron; = crampon 1; sometimes also used to render L. falx. Obs.
1565–73Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Chelonia, The Iron hookes or cramperons to take hold of the stones or timbers, Forfices ferrei.Ibid. Falx, a cramperne, or hooke vsed in warre. Falcatus currus, cartes armed with crampernes or hookes.1618Kal. Sheph. viii, Wheles..full of hookes and cramp-irons [edd. 1503–6 crampes, 1560–1611 crampions] of yron and steele.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xiv. 43 A great Junk coming upon us..those that were in her threw into us great Cramp-irons fastened unto two long chains, wherewithall they grappled us fast unto them.a1656Ussher Ann. (1658) 240, 300 gallant young lads..with the help of cramp-irons, which..they strook into the Rock, to hold fast by, gat by little and little to the top.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Crampern or Cramp-iron..a Grapple, or Grappling-iron, to lay hold of an Enemy's Ship.1734tr. Rollin's Anc. Hist. (1827) VI. xv. vi. 79 Cramp irons, and such like instruments, invented for the defence of cities.1774Goldsmith Grecian Hist. II. 202.
2. A small metal bar with the ends bent so as to grasp two stones of a building, etc., and hold them firmly together; = cramp n.2 2.
1598Florio, Fibula..a crampiron or hooke to hold square stones togither.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Crampern or Cramp-iron, an Iron that fastens Stones in a Building.1778R. Lowth Isaiah Notes 128 They are large nails..the ends being bent so as to make them cramp-irons.1814Moore Sale of Tools ii, A cramp-iron, to stick in the wall Of some church that old women are fearful will fall.1876Gwilt Archit. Gloss., Crampern or Cramp Iron, usually called for shortness cramp.
3. Printing. (pl.) Pieces of iron fastened under the coffin of the old hand-press, on which it glided on the frame. Obs.
1713J. Watson Hist. Printing (T.), The cramp-irons, that it moves on still, Are the good motions of the will.1730–6Bailey (folio), Cramp-irons, irons nailed to the carriage of the press to run in and out.
4. = crampon 3. rare—1.
1818D. Wall tr. Ebel's Switzerl. 209 The most convenient..kind of Cramp-irons, to proceed over the Glaciers.

