
单词 surplice
释义 surplice|ˈsɜːplɪs|
Forms: 3–7 surplis, 4–6 surples, -plys, 4–7 -plesse, -plise, (4 surplees, 5 sarplys, serples, sorplise, sourples, suplice; sorplers, solepers, sullipers), 5–6 surplyse, -plese, (6 sorplys, syrplys, -plis, -plasse, -pleys, surplyce, -plasse, -plusse, -plois, surpelis, sirplis, -pleys, cirples, scherples; serppelys, shorpells, surpells, -peles, syrpeles), 6–7 surpless, -plisse, 6–8 -plus, (7 syrplesse, surpliss, sirplus, cirploise, serpils), 4– surplice.
[a. AF. surpliz, OF. sourpeliz, sor-, sur-, also supelis, souplis (mod.F. surplis), = Pr. sobrepelitz, It. superpellicio, Sp., Pg. sobrepelliz, ad. med.L. superpellicium, -eum (sc. vestīmentum garment), neut. of adj. f. super- super- 1 a + pellicia fur garment (f. pellis skin: see pelisse).]
A loose vestment of white linen having wide sleeves and, in its amplest form, reaching to the feet, worn (usually over a cassock) by clerics, choristers, and others taking part in church services.
‘Its name is derived..from the fact that it was formerly put on over the fur garments which used to be worn in church..as a protection against the cold’ (Encycl. Brit., 1911, XXVI. 137/1).
c1290All Souls' Day 345 in S. Eng. Leg. 430 His cope oþur is surplis þe preost he seith it isse.c1325Metr. Hom. 161 Tua clerkes..In surplices wit serges berande.13..Adultery 89 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 369 There come one in a whyte surples [v.r. surplyse].c1386Chaucer Miller's T. 137 A gay surplys As whit as is the blosme vp on the rys.1429–30Rec. St. Mary at Hill (1904) 74 For wasshyng..of aubes & sarplys..ij s.1491–2Ibid. 173 A sourples for the clarke..ij s.1506–7Ibid. 260 j surplus for boll the sexton xij d.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1570) 9 With your shirtes brodered and displayed In fourme of surplois.1548–9(Mar.) Bk. Com. Prayer, Communion (Rubr. at end), The Priest shall put upon him a playn Albe or surplesse, with a cope, and say al thinges at the Altar..untill after the offertory.1553in Daniel-Tyssen Surrey Ch.-Goods (1869) 102 For newe collering of a scherples.1553Machyn Diary 8 Aug. (Camden) 39 A grett company of chylderyn in ther surples.a1592Greene Alphonsus iii. Wks. (Grosart) XIII. 368 Rise Calchas vp, in a white Cirples and a Cardinals Myter, and say [etc.].1601Shakes. All's Well i. iii. 99 Though honestie be no Puritan, yet it will doe no hurt, it will weare the Surplis of humilitie ouer the blacke-Gowne of a bigge heart.1617Assheton Jrnl. (Chetham Soc.) 88 Some argument abt Mr. Leighs ministring y⊇ Sacrament with the Cirploise.1633Rowley Match Midn. i. B 4, Has turn'd his stomacke, for all the World like a Puritanes, at the sight of a surplesse.1641Impeachm. Bp. Wren in Rushw. Hist. Coll. iii. (1692) I. 352 He [sc. Bp. Wren]..in the said Year 1636. commanded..all Ministers to Preach constantly in their Hood and Surplice, a thing not used before in that Diocess.1678Wanley Wond. Lit. World v. iii. §8. 474/1 Sixtus [I]..ordered..that Priests should minister in Linnen Surplices.1753Challoner Cath. Chr. Instr. 153 The Bishop..invests them with a Surplice, and so receives them into the Clergy.1807Crabbe Par. Reg. iii. 816 He fill'd the sevenfold surplice fairly out.1820W. Irving Sketch Bk. II. 14 (Westm. Abb.) The choristers, in their white surplices, crossing the aisle and entering the choir.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. v, Is it a point of conscience with you to wear the surplice when you preach?
1440–1Norwich Sacrist's Roll (MS.), In factura alb. amict. sulliperes.1492–3Ibid., Pro xxij ulnis panni linei cum factura de le Solepers, xj s.1478Croscombe Churchw. Acc. (Som. Rec. Soc.) 8 Wasscheng of vestments and Sorplers.1509Ibid. 30 Of Alys Vaysse a rynge of sylver and a serppelys.1511Pilton Churchw. Acc. (ibid.) 60 For mendyng of the shorpells..iiij d.1566Engl. Ch. Furniture (Peacock 1866) 85 A alb—wherof ys mayd a surpells for the preste.1606Burford Reg. in Var. Coll. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 78 Mr. Segwick hath not worne the serpils sence the tyme he hath ben vicar of Ockborne Saint Andrew.
b. transf. Applied to various ample or enveloping garments.
1382Wyclif 1 Sam. ii. 18 Samuel seruede before the face of the Lord, a child gird with a surplesse [1388 lynnun clooth; Vulg. ephod lineo].13822 Chron. v. 12 Sonis and bretheren of hem, clothed with surples [1388 white lynun clothis; Vulg. byssinis].1488–92Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 85 The surples of the robe riall.1558T. Phaer æneid viii. (1562) Cc iij, Some trayling mantels loose, or syrpleys wyndie wyde of skyrts.1635R. N. tr. Camden's Hist. Eliz. i. 48 Shan O'Neal came out of Ireland with a Guard of Ax-bearing Galloglasses with..yellow surplises.1756M. Calderwood in Coltness Collect. (Maitl. Cl.) 184 Above this, fine muslin surpluses with point, which makes a very genteel dress.1898C. M. Yonge John Keble's Parishes xv. 175 Surplice, smock-frock. ‘Ah! sir, the white surplice covers a great deal of dirt’—said by a tidy woman of her old father.
c. attrib. and Comb., as surplice brabble, surplice closet, surplice coat, surplice fashion; surplice-backed a., wearing a surplice; surplice day, a holy day or its eve, when members of a college wear surplices in chapel; surplice duty, that part of an incumbent's duties which consists in the recital of public prayer; surplice fees, the dues received by an incumbent for the performance of marriages, burials, and other ministerial offices; surpliceman nonce-wd., a clergyman; surplice pin, properly, a peg to hang a surplice on; hence, a hat-peg; surplice-wise adv., like a surplice.
a1845Hood Dean & Chapter i, Hail to each *surplice-back'd adapter.
1641Milton Reform. ii. Wks. 1851 III. 54 To make a Nationall Warre of a *Surplice Brabble, a Tippet-scuffle.
1874J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Par. Churches 161 Besides the *surplice-closets, and a cupboard..there need be no other furniture in the choir-vestry.
1902Daily Chron. 24 May 8/3 Supposing a bottle-green length were chosen for a costume, it might have a short *surplice coat.
1663Wood Life (O.H.S.) I. 511 To come on *surplice dayes to Merton College prayers.
1824Hitchins & Drew Cornwall II. 633 The *surplice duty of this parish is now performed by the rector of Blisland.
1845Hood Surplice Question 3 A very pretty public stir Is making down at Exeter, About the *surplice fashion.
1725T. Thomas in MSS. Dk. Portland (Hist. MSS. Comm.) VI. 129 The allowance of the Curate here..is twenty marks a year, and the *surplice fees.1768Blackstone Comm. iii. vii. 89 Whatsoever falls under the denomination of surplice-fees, for marriages or other ministerial offices of the church.1818Bentham Ch. Eng. 49 Surplice fees are unknown in Scotland.
1814Byron in Lett. & Jrnls. (1898) II. 395 There be some strange phrases in the prologue (the exhortation), which made me turn away, not to laugh in the face of the *surpliceman.
1833Loudon Encycl. Archit. §691 Five hat pins, or *surplice pins, as they are called by upholsterers.
1459Paston Lett. I. 475 A goune of clothe of golde, with side slevis, *sirples wise.1565Sparke Hawkins' 2nd Voy. (Hakl. Soc.) 54 Gownes of mosse..which they sowe together artificially, and make the same surpleswise.

