
单词 hilet
释义 hilet Obs.
[perh. f. root of hill v.1 to cover, etc.; but cf. holet.]
A tent, a tabernacle.
1382Wyclif 1 Kings xx. 12 Benadab..drank, and the kyngis, in hiletis [Vulg. in umbraculis; Coverd. in the pauylion].Ibid. 16 Benadab forsothe drank drunken in his hilet [1388 schadewyng place].Isa. i. 8 Forsaken..as an hylet in a place of goordes [Vulg. tugurium; 1388 an hulke in a place where gourdis wexen].Ecclus. xxxiv. 19 Coueryng of brennyng, and the hilet [1388 a schadewyng place] of the mydday [Vulg. umbraculum meridiani].

