
单词 unperfectness
释义 unˈperfectness Now rare.
[un-1 12, 5 b.]
αa1325Prose Ps. cxxxviii. 15 Þyn eȝen sen myn vnparfitnes.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 5 Art, sciens and lawe al were i-falle,..but þe mercy of God had i-ordyned vs of lettres in remedie of vnparfiȝtnesse of mankynde.c1449Pecock Repr. iii. xi. 349 As he which ofte and miche synned, and as he which knewe his vnperfitnes.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. ii. (Arb.) 144 Cicero him selfe doth complaine of this vnperfitnes, but more plainly Quintilian.
β1543Necessary Doctrine e ii, These workes..for as moch as they be done in the faith of Christe,..theyr vnperfectnes is supplied.1548Cranmer Catech. 220 b, Althoughe he doth oftentimes ouercome sinne, yet this is a great vnperfectenes, yt he dothe it not willingly.1625Donne Serm. 669 If there had not been unbeliefe, weaknesse, unperfectnesse in that Faith.1661Rust Origen's Opin. 72 Seeing what..was likely to be the lot of some of them from the necessary unperfectness of their Natures.1900M. Kingsley Mem. in G. H. Kingsley Sp. & Trav. vii. 193 In the very unperfectness of that specimen.

