
单词 saccharide
释义 saccharide Chem.|ˈsækəraɪd|
[f. med.L. sacchar-um sugar + -ide.]
a. A substance formed in the fermentation of melted sugar (see quot. 1862). Obs. [Introduced in Fr. by A. Gélis 1859, in Compt. Rend. XLVIII. 1062.]
1860Q. Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XII. 376 Researches on melted sugar, and on a new principle—saccharide: by A. Gélis.1862W. A. Miller Elem. Chem., Org. (ed. 2) 78 According to Gélis, when sugar which has thus been melted is dissolved in water it furnishes a solution which when fermented with yeast yields only half the quantity of alcohol that ordinary sugar would have produced, a peculiar body to which he gives the name of saccharide (C12H10O10) remaining in solution. It exerts a slight rotatory power to the right upon a beam of polarized light.
b. A compound formed by the action of an acid on a sugar. Obs. [Introduced in Fr. by M. Berthelot 1860, in Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. LX. 94.]
1862H. Watts tr. Gmelin's Handbk. Chem. XV. 316 By heating dextro-glucose with (organic) acids, compounds are formed..which belong to the class of saccharides.
c. A sugar, esp. a monosaccharide; freq. used unsystematically to denote any mono- or oligosaccharide or a simple derivative of such a compound. [Introduced as G. saccharid by B. Tollens in Kurzes Handb. d. Kohlenhydrate (1888) 16.]
1895Thomson & Bloxam Bloxam's Chem. (ed. 8) 705 The above considerations have given rise to a classification of the carbohydrates into (1) saccharides or monoses,..(2) disaccharides or bioses,..(3) polysaccharides or polyoses.1914Chem. Abstr. VIII. 2716 (heading) Resolution of racemic saccharides by means of optically active amyl mercaptan, and some mercaptals.1932Analyst LVII. 374 By reducing the concentration of nitric acid, it is possible to obtain a mixture which reacts rapidly with saccharides and not with polysaccharides.1955Stain Technol. XXX. 286 Methods for the demonstration of saccharide, fatty acid, amino acid, vitamin and ketosteroid were chosen for testing.1973Jrnl. Biochem. (Tokyo) LXXIV. 144/2 Changes in the CD [sc. Circular Dichroism] bands at 295 and 305 nm on adding saccharides, acetamides or alcohols were monitored to study the interaction with lysozyme.1974Amer. Jrnl. Physiol. CCXXVI. 720/1 Hyperosmolarity with these saccharides [viz. glucose, mannitol, raffinose] caused sustained reduction of spontaneous frequency.

