
单词 godhead
释义 godhead|ˈgɒdhɛd|
Forms: 3 godd(e)hed, 3–4 goddhede, 3–6 godhed, 4–6 godhede, (4 -ede, -heede, 5 -heed, 6 Sc. -heid), 6– godhead.
[f. god n. See -head; cf. MDu. godheit (Du. godheid), MHG. got(e)heit (G. gottheit).]
1. The character or quality of being God or a god; divine nature or essence; deity.
a1225Ancr. R. 390 Þis scheld þet wreih his Godhed was his leoue licome þet was ispred on rode.a1300Cursor M. 561 His goddhed es in trinite.c1320Cast. Love 81 Þat bi-falleþ to Godes godhede As wel as to his monhede.a1400–50Alexander 5622 Sum grayne of godhede, I gesse, was growen ȝow within.c1460Towneley Myst. xx. 46 That fatoure says that three shuld euer dwell in oone godhede.1513Douglas æneis x. Prol. 27 Set our natur God hes to hym vnyte, Hys Godhed incommixt remanis perfyte.1579Fulke Confut. Sanders 616 Some of the Gentiles thought some priuie godhead or power to be contained in their images.1667Milton P.L. iii. 207 Man..sinns Against the high Supremacie of Heav'n, Affecting God-head.1698Crowne Caligula iii. Dram. Wks. 1874 IV. 396 If Caesar be a god, as he pretends, His godhead in creation was display'd.1794Coleridge Relig. Musings 31 He [Christ] on the thought-benighted sceptic beamed Manifest Godhead.1856R. A. Vaughan Mystics (1860) I. 191 Then hath the created spirit lost itself in the spirit of God, yea, is drowned in the bottomless sea of Godhead.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 359 Do you mean that I do not believe in the godhead of the sun or moon?
b. As a title: Divine personality. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 1523 If so be..þat my myght be worthy for to serue Thy godhede [etc.].1587Golding De Mornay xxxii. 599 As for Caligula, Domitian, Heliogabalus, and others..they were not so soone dead, but their God⁓heads were dragged in the myre lyke doggs.1607Shakes. Timon iii. vi. 84 Were your Godheads to borrow of men, men would forsake the Gods.1664Dryden Ind. Queen iii. ii, Summon their godheads quickly to your aid.1718Pope Iliad xv. 117 Supreme he sits: and sees..Your vassal god⁓heads grudgingly obey.
2. a. the Godhead: the Supreme Being; the Deity; = god n. 5. (Also rarely without article.)
1357Lay Folks' Catech. 83 The first poynt that we sal trowe of the godhede Is to trowe stedefastly in a trew god.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 362 Þis state or power [the secular lords] is þe vicar of þe god-heede.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 182 Saule faulyth down of hys horse: that done,..godhed spekyth in heuyn.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 1020 Wolde to God that the Godheed full of goodnesse had graunted to me [etc.].1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 5 The first personne in godheid is the father cœlestiall.1622T. Ailesbury Serm. (1623) 13 The Godhead neuer was distracted either from soule or body.1672Dryden Marr. à la Mode iii. i, 'Tis true I am alone; So was the Godhead, ere he made the world.a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 354 Great Godhead..Thou art eternal, pure Activity.1742Young Nt. Th. iv. 693 In glory's terrors all the godhead burns.1879Keane tr. Lefèvre's Philos. ii. 181 The god⁓head, whether one or many, has no place in the system of Epicurus.
b. A deity or divinity. = god n. 1. Now rare.
a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (1622) 149 Esteeming that could bee no Godhead, which could breede wickednesse.c1611Chapman Iliad vii. 21 At Jove's broad beech these godheads met.1647R. Stapylton Juvenal 272 Th' huge long-taild monkey is a godhead there [at Thebes].1725Pope Odyss. iv. 632 What Godhead interdicts the wat'ry way?1808J. Barlow Columb. ii. 551 These eyes must see..yon bright Godhead circle thrice the year [etc.].1876Morris Sigurd iii. 222 Lest e'en as a Godhead banished he dwell in the world apart.

