
单词 uncorrected
释义 uncoˈrrected, ppl. a.
[un-1 8 and 5 b.]
1. Not freed from error or inexactness; not revised or emended.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 73 He putte Ianeuer and Feuerrer to þe bygynnynge of þe ȝere, and so þe ȝere lefte among þe Romayns vncorrected anon to Iulius Cesar his tyme.1548Elyot, Incorrectus,..vncorrected.1598Florio, Scorretto, vncorrected, vnpolished, rude, rough.1699Bentley Phalaris 251 Whole Lines were omitted by the Stone-Cutter, and pass'd uncorrected.1711G. Hickes Two Treat. Chr. Priesth. (ed. 3) I. 170 If these holy Men's Notion..be..a Mistake, it..stood uncorrected for almost sixteen hundred Years.1798Southey Lett. (1856) I. 55 They are, I know, hastily written and uncorrected.1819Shelley Let. Pr. Wks. 1888 II. 299 You are to write me uncorrected letters, just as the words come.1837Goring & Pritchard Microgr. 77 Perfectly direct day-light also gives apparent achromatism with any common uncorrected lenses.
2. Not chastised or punished.
1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 56 So many wrecchid synnes as among us dailie uncorrectid hathe reigned.1513More Hist. Rich. III, Wks. 40/1 Robbers and riuers walking at libertie vncorrected.1548Elyot, Incastigatus,..not chastised: vncorrected.1647Hexham i, Vncorrected, ongestraft.1670Baxter Cure Ch. Div. 338 Parents must not be so patient with sin as to leave their children uncorrected.
3. Not improved by training or discipline; not guided into the proper course.
1599Shakes. Hen. V, v. ii. 50 The freckled Cowslip, Burnet and greene Clouer, Wanting the Sythe, withall vncorrected, ranke; Conceiues by idlenesse.1718Freethinker No. 23 ⁋6 Amongst the many Abuses, of which we stand uncorrected.1750Carte Hist. Eng. II. 790 A fine youth, but..having too much of his mother's spirit, uncorrected as yet by reflection and experience.1865Froude Short Stud. (1867) I. 161 Submissiveness, humility, obedience produce if uncorrected in politics a nation of slaves.
4. Not counteracted or neutralized.
1694Salmon Bate's Dispens. (1713) 373/2 If any of the kinds of Flowers be used uncorrected, it is much better to use their Infusion in Wine.1825Scott Betrothed xxi, During slumber, when Imagination, uncorrected by the organs of sense, weaves her own fantastic web.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 829 Such consequences may be produced in uncorrected hypermetropia.

