
单词 gondola
释义 gondola|ˈgɒndələ|
Forms: 6 gondala, 6–8 -delay, 7 -dalo, -delo, -dilo, -dolo, gundalo, (8 U.S.) -delo(e, -dello, -dilo(w, -dolo, 7–9 gondole, (7 gundel, 8 gondel), 6– gondola. Also 9 U.S. gondelo, gundelow, -dalow, -dola.
[ad. It. gondola (whence also Sp., Pg. gondola, F. gondole) of obscure origin: see Diez, Körting, etc.]
1. a. A light flat-bottomed boat or skiff in use on the Venetian canals, having a cabin amidships and rising to a sharp point at either end; it is usually propelled by one man at the stern with a single oar.
1549Thomas Hist. Italie 83 b, [He kept] one man, or two at the most, to row his Gondola.a1577Gascoigne Flowers Wks. (1587) 52 And from their battered barks commanded to be cast Some Gondalaes wherein upon our pleasant streams they past.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. vi. 2 A litle Gondelay.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. iv. i. 38. 1605 B. Jonson Volpone iii. ii, Rowing vpon the water in a gondole, With the most cunning Curtizan, of Venice.1611W. Venner Beam of Brightness B 2 b, No ratling Cart or Waggon runnes in me, but gentle Gundels swimming ore the streame.1670Lond. Gaz. No. 437/2 He was..attended by great numbers of his friends in their Pleasure-boats and Gondola's.1697tr. C'tess D'Aunoy's Trav. (1706) 169 There's a Canal..and another square Place in which the King has little Gundoloes painted and gilt.1739Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to C'tess Pomfret 6 Nov., The greatest equipage is a gondola, that holds eight persons.1764Oxford Sausage 157 O'er Seas of bliss Peace guide her Gondelay.1818Byron Beppo xix.1820Mar. Fal. iv. i, The far lights of skimming gondolas.1831Moore Summer Fête 404 Light gondolas, of Venetian breed.1886Ruskin Præterita I. 281 My love of gliding about in gondolas.
b. transf. (See quots.)
1827Mayfair i. 31 There beauty half her glory veils In cabs, those gondolas on wheels.1870Disraeli Lothair xxvii, He hailed a cruising Hansom,..‘'Tis the gondola of London’, said Lothair as he sprang in.
a. A ship's boat.
b. Some kind of small war-vessel. Obs.
1626P. Nichols Drake Revived (1628) 9 A ship of Spaine..(espying our foure Pinnaces),..sent away her Gundeloe towards the Towne, to giue warning.1799Naval Chron. I. 273 The Brest fleet, consisting or thirty-two sail, five frigates, and five gondolas, had put to sea.
3. U.S. A large flat-bottomed river boat of light build; a lighter; used also as a gun-boat.
1774J. Wentworth in N.E. Hist. & Gen. Reg. (1869) XXIII. 276 The cannon were sent in Gondolas up the River into the country.1777E. Badlam Ibid. (1848) II. 49 Colonel Brown has taken Ticonderoga..a number of armed gundeloes, one armed sloop [etc.].1805W. Hunter in Naval Chron. XIII. 39 Two Gundolas came down and fired at us.1809Kendall Trav. III. lxiv. 31 Vessels are floated down to the sea, by means of flat-boats or lighters, here [northern U.S.] called gondolas.1866Whittier Snow-Bound 254 When favoring breezes deigned to blow The square sail of the gundelow.1886B. P. Poore Remin. I. iii. 51 The Potomac River..was navigable..in long, flat-bottomed boats, sharp at both ends, called ‘gondolas’.
4. a. = gondola car. U.S.
1871Schele de Vere Americanisms (1872) 480 Gondola... The use of the word for a peculiarly shaped railroad-car is not unknown in England.1875in Knight Dict. Mech.1906Westm. Gaz. 31 Dec. 7/3 The Central News New York correspondent says..When the driver pulled up a heavy ‘gondola’, or low goods wagon, broke loose from the adjacent siding.1907Cosmopolitan July 390 A flat-car..is known amongst the fraternity as a ‘gondola’, with the second syllable emphasized and pronounced long.1914Sat. Even. Post 4 Apr. 10/1 At the end of the stretch of wheels was the hangout, barricaded on one side by a corrugated iron windshield..and on the other by a derelict gondola freight car.1922H. Titus Timber iii. 37 Two Indians were loading pulp wood into a gondola on the siding.1932E. Wilson Devil take Hindmost xvii. 176 They left..on a freight-train..travelling in a low roofless car known as a ‘gondola’: the gondola was about two-thirds full of gravel.
b. An elongated car attached to the under side of a dirigible balloon or airship. (G., Du. gondel.) Also transf., applied to a structure that resembles such a car in its purpose and mode of attachment.
[1881W. D. Hay 300 Years Hence xi. 301 You step into an aërial gondola,..and are at once borne upwards.]1896Strand Mag. July 78/2 The finished balloon..is 97 ft. in all from the cap to the bottom of the basket or gondola.1908World's Work XVI. 10804/2 He suspended his gondolas close underneath the hulk.1914Evening News 15 Oct. 1/6 The distance between the gondola carrying the engines and the body of the airship has been very much reduced.1930G. G. Jackson World's Aeroplanes 17 Each ship was given four propellers..and these were driven by exceptionally powerful motors, divided between two cars, or gondolas, as they came to be called... The gondolas resembled the Italian craft, from which they took their name, in general design, but they were, of course, much larger.1953J. Ramsbottom Mushrooms & Toadstools viii. 89 When the balloon ‘Explorer II’ made its ascent to 72,395 feet..in 1935, spores of seven moulds were enclosed in small quartz tubes fastened to the outside of the gondola.1955M. Savill tr. Galland's First & Last xxiv. 202 Two additional 20-mm. cannons were mounted below the wings. These ‘gondolas’ or ‘bath-tubs’, as we called them, [etc.].1959Sunday Times 5 Apr. 7/8 With a float containing petrol to provide buoyancy, and a pressure-proof ‘gondola’ underneath.1962J. Glenn in Into Orbit 70 The ‘Wheel’, as we called it, combined many of the control problems we would encounter in real space flight. It consists of a pill-shaped gondola..suspended at the end of a 50-foot arm.
c. The car attached to a ski-lift. Also gondola lift.
1957in Amer. Speech (1963) XXXVIII. 205 Gondola, gondola lift, a number of smaller enclosed cabins seating two or four persons each. The gondolas are stored at the base station poma lift style and are clamped onto the moving cable after loading.1958M. West Second Victory vii. 97 The Gondelbahn, the long aerial cable that swung the shining gondolas up the slope to the summit of the Grauglockner.1964Harper's Bazaar Nov. 140/1 New this season: gondola lift.1970Times 18 Dec. 20/2 Vail offers superb skiing... A new development..adds a second gondola.
d. An island counter used in self-service shops for the display of merchandise.
1942Super Market Nov. 53 End of gondola displays may be constructed by using disc-shaped cardboard in graduated sizes. One edge of the cardboard should be cut straight and even in order to rest against the gondola.1960Guardian 16 May 3/5 Enough space is left round the ‘gondolas’ (the movable counters) to let shoppers take short cuts.1962E. Godfrey Retail Selling & Organiz. ii. 19 Other types of counter in common use are refrigerated runs..and gondolas—a self-service central fixture.
5. attrib. and Comb., as gondola-beak, gondola-boat, gondola office; gondola-car U.S., a railway car having a platform body with low sides; gondola wag(g)on = gondola car.
1887Ruskin Præterita II. 101 Seeing the *gondola-beak come actually inside the door at Danieli's.
1814P. Hawker Diary (1893) I. 123 On one [canal] are many fine *gondola boats.
1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl., *Gondola-Car.1887Pall Mall G. 10 Aug. 14/2 The other rolling-stock comprises four double-decked open cars, twenty platform cars, twenty gondola cars [etc.].
1821T. Moore Mem. (1853) III. 252 Lord John drove me to the *gondole office.
1918Chambers's Jrnl. July 459/2 The comparatively new ‘*gondola’ wagon serves that purpose admirably.

