
单词 ruffling
释义 I. ˈruffling, vbl. n.1
[f. ruffle v.1]
1. The action (or result) of making uneven, irregular, disordered, or entangled; also, slight agitation, rustling.
c1440Promp. Parv. 439/1 Rufflynge, or snarlynge, illaqueacio, innodacio.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 250 Then must ye draw & reyse þe vpper parte of þe towelle, Ley it with-out ruffelynge streiȝt to þat oþer side.1582Stanyhurst æneis ii. (Arb.) 59 Not so great a ruffling the riuer strong flasshye reteyneth.1611Cotgr., Grippets,..the rufflings, or snarles of ouer-twisted thread.1652H. More Antid. Ath. 162 The ruffling of silks, as of a woman walking.1733Swift Apology Wks. 1751 X. 232 She,..Tho' seeming pleas'd at all she sees, Starts at the Ruffling of the Trees.a1754Fielding J. Wild ii. x, The storm was now entirely ceased, and nothing remained but the usual ruffling of the sea after it.1853G. Johnston Nat. Hist. E. Borders I. 10 The little ruffling scarcely dims the beauty that ever waits upon her course.1877T. A. Trollope Life Pius IX, I. 132 A small ruffling of the flowing stream of popularity.
b. The action of making ruffles; also, material forming, or in the form of, a ruffle.
1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) I. 25 There is not a bit of all this lace and ruffling, that is not full of rank poisons.Ibid. 26 The lady had covered his coat, all over, with laces, and with rufflings.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. iv, These rufflings, and pinkings, and patchings will only make us hated by all the wives of our neighbours.1869Mrs. Whitney We Girls ii, A great..toilet-cushion..edged with magic ruffling.1902Daily Chron. 20 Feb. 8/7 Machinists wanted at once, used to ruffling.
2. The action of disturbing, troubling, annoying, or irritating.
1647Hexham i, A Ruffling or stirring on a suddaine.1733Cheyne Eng. Malady iii. iv. (1734) 354 Vomits were the first Evacuations that.., without infinite Ruffling, I could bear.1805Saunders Min. Waters 320 As a cathartic, the Caroline waters operate without ruffling.1862Mrs. H. Freshfield Tour Grisons ix. 149 His temper would not bear ruffling.1889Jessopp Coming of Friars iii. 151 Such ruffling of the peace and quiet of conventual life was..not uncommon.
II. ˈruffling, vbl. n.2
[f. ruffle v.2]
1. Dissension, disturbance, tumult. Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 439/1 Rufflynge, or debate, discencio, discordia.1541Paynell Catiline xxv. 45 By the reason that Fraunce should be in an vprore and ruffeling.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII, 55 b, Capitaynes and prouokers of trayterous rufflinges.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 842/1 Whilest the hottest of this ruffling lasted, the cardinall was aduertised thereof by sir Thomas Parre.1611Cotgr., Mutinerie,..a stirre, trouble, businesse, ruffling, hurlyburly.
b. The action of contending with some one or against something. Obs.
1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 247/1 Uppon this ruffelyng of Anselme with maryed priests, were riming verses made.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 74 For recompence of the good service that hee had done, in ruffling against Priests wives.
2. Proud or haughty carriage; swaggering conduct or actions.
1538Leland Itin. (1769) IV. 53 Sum say that it longgid ons to Payne caullid for his Ruffeling there Diable.a1591H. Smith Serm. (1637) 180 Like a Banner of his pride, which sheweth him in his ruffling.., before he knew God or himselfe.1644Quarles Sheph. Orac. vi. 46 O Swain, me thinks these rufflings ill befit A Shepheard's cloth.1667Dryden & Dk. Newcastle Sir M. Mar-all i. i, His lordship then will find the prologue of his trouble, doubting I have told you of his ruffling.
III. ˈruffling, ppl. a.1
[f. ruffle v.1]
1. Forming, or rising in, ruffles.
1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. iv. iii. 60 The Tailor staies thy leasure, To decke thy bodie with his ruffling treasure.1607Topsell Serpents (1658) 613 His rufling mane is discouraged by the extolled head of the Serpent.1682N. O. Boileau's Lutrin iii. 86 Out flies the broad-fac'd Chorister of the Night, And with her ruffling wings strikes out the Light.a1718Parnell Hermit 17 If a Stone the gentle Scene divide, Swift ruffling Circles curl on ev'ry side.
2. Producing or raising ruffles; making disordered, irregular, or uneven. Also fig.
1606S. Gardiner Bk. Angling 98 The water of a spacious and deepe Lake..by ruffling windes is moued and disquieted.1648J. Beaumont Psyche vi. ccxxiii, The rival Winds..rais'd a ruffling tempest of Delight.1702Rowe Tamerlane v. i, Thus Stars shine bright,.. Tho' ruffling Winds deform this lower World.1781G. White Selborne xcix, Those insects which love to haunt a spot so secure from ruffling winds.1817Shelley Pr. Athan. ii. 87 O'er the visage wan Of Athanase, a ruffling atmosphere Of dark emotion..ran.1858Kingsley Misc. (1859) I. 200 A ruffling south-west breeze.
3. Causing irritation or annoyance.
1708Bickerstaff Detected in Swift's Wks. (1751) IV. 209, I..prepared for bed, in hopes of a little Repose after so many ruffling adventures.1746Hervey Medit. (1818) 271 Soon a ruffling accident intervenes and turns our composure into a fretful disquietude.
Hence ˈrufflingly adv.1 rare—1.
1611Cotgr., Frezé,..set rufflingly, after the manner of the (thicke) French ruffe.
IV. ˈruffling, ppl. a.2
[f. ruffle v.2]
1. Of conduct, etc.: Characterized by ruffling.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 414/2 The fashion is more ruffeling and in lesse moderacion and sobernesse, then were conuenient for mouing men to deuocion.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 281 Laie downe thy pride, and forsake thy ruffling riot.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 6 The ruffling, and roysting life of a number of our gallants, and lustie bloods.1682Bunyan Holy War 59 He therefore with big and ruffling words demanded of the Trumpeter who he was?1826Scott Woodst. viii, That ruffling look of thine.1870Thornbury Tour rd. Eng. II. xx. 52 There are still traces of the ruffling days of the brave Sir John.
2. Of persons: Given to ruffling.
1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Ephes. Prol. C iij, Yf a man..marke the maners of this roiall rufflynge worlde.1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe Wks. (Grosart) V. 230 With any of these swaggering captaines..or hufti-tuftie youthfull ruffling comrades.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. 46 Temporall power claymed and violently carried by this ruffling Prelate.1653A. Wilson Jas. I, 103 The Marquesse..came to the Court in a full career, with a ruffling Retinue at his heels.1704Rowe Ulysses i. i, The ruffling Train of Suiters are at hand.1820Scott Monast. xvi, For the rest, he is one of the ruffling gallants of the time.1840Dickens Barn. Rudge viii, Sim Tappertit laid aside his cautious manner,..assuming in its stead that of a ruffling swaggering, roving blade.1881Larwood Lond. Parks xiii. 272 The company..were a wild ruffling set.
Hence ˈrufflingly adv.2 rare—1.
1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osorius 258 What glorious Thraso..could ever have handled hys part uppon a stage more rufflingly.

