
单词 river-horse
释义 ˈriver-horse
[f. river n.1 + horse n. 5. Cf. MDu. rivierpeert (Du. -paard).]
1. The hippopotamus. Cf. water-horse.
1601Holland Pliny II. 316 As touching the riuer-horse called Hippopotamus, there is a great affinitie..betweene him and the crocodile.1667Milton P.L. vii. 474 Ambiguous between Sea and Land The River Horse and scalie Crocodile.1759Johnson Rasselas xxxviii, The crocodiles and river-horses are common in this unpeopled region.1843Longfellow Slave's Dream vi, The river-horse, as he crushed the reeds.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 39 The Senegal River, a river abounding, then as now, with crocodiles and riverhorses.
2. The water-kelpie: see kelpie1.
1851Thorpe Northern Myth. II. 22 He secured the assistance of the water-kelpie or river-horse.

