
单词 reviving
释义 I. reviving, vbl. n.|rɪˈvaɪvɪŋ|
[f. revive v. + -ing1.]
The action of the vb., in various senses.
1486Hen. VII at York in Surtees Misc. (1890) 57 New reviving in comforth to attaine your asstate.1529More Dyaloge i. Wks. x. 132/1 Cause can I se none, whye we shoulde of reason more meruaile of the reuyuyng of a dede man.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccles. Hist. (1619) 79 This they did to the end they might..hinder the reviving of the Saints.1612Brinsley Lud. Lit. 3 This I thankefully acknowledge..to give you likewise some reuiuing.1677W. Harris tr. Lemery's Course Chem. (1686) 158 Reviving of Cinnabar into Quick-silver.1710Steele Tatler No. 118 ⁋12, I shall not allow the reviving of any one Part of that antient Mode.1741J. Edwards in Mem. E. Wheelock (1811) 210 There has been a reviving of religion amongst us of late.1814Ann Smith in Life (1851) 32 Return to thy Church in this corner. Grant some new revivings.1865Cassell's Illustr. Fam. Paper 15 Apr. 181/3 They are now past ‘clobbering’, ‘reviving’, or ‘translating’.
attrib.1839Ure Dict. Arts 1122 All ores which contain more than 7 lbs. of lead, or 1 lb. of copper, per cent., are excluded from this reviving operation.
II. reˈviving, ppl. a.
[f. revive v. + -ing2.]
1. That revives, or regains strength, vigour, or consciousness.
1592Shakes. Ven. & Ad. 977 For now reuiuing ioy bids her reioyce.1667Dryden Prol. Tempest 4 So, from old Shakespear's honour'd dust, this day Springs up and buds a new reviving Play.1682Tate Abs. & Achit. ii. 64 Cherished by her bounty's plenteous spring, Reviving widows smile and orphans sing.1781Cowper Heroism 73 Increasing commerce and reviving art Renew the quarrel.1789H. Walpole Lett. (1859) IX. 200 Their King..may prove their tyrant if reviving loyalty does not in a new frenzy force him to be so.1810Scott Lady of L. ii. i, All Nature's children feel the matin spring Of life reviving with reviving day.1897Rhoscomyl White Rose Arno 125 With one hand upon the collar of the reviving man.
2. That refreshes, strengthens, or infuses fresh life; stimulating, reinvigorating.
1601Shakes. Jul. C. ii. ii. 88 From you great Rome shall sucke Reuiuing blood.1656E. Reyner Rules Government Tongue 255 Comforts are reviving cordialls.1709E. Singer Love & Friendsh. 4 While..closing Flowers reviving Odors yield.1750Mrs. Delany Life & Corr. (1861) II. 570, I don't pity you,..who have such trees to shade and such reviving cascades to cool you.1878Stevenson Inland Voy. 79, I sat in a drift of rain by the side of the bank, to have a reviving pipe.1881M. E. Braddon Asph. II. 253 After a reviving cup of tea.
b. Renewing an enactment.
1769Blackstone Comm. IV. 70 The suspending and repealing acts..and also the reviving act of 29 Hen. VI.
Hence reˈvivingly adv.
1847in Webster (citing Coleridge).1886M. Linskill Haven under the Hill II. ix. 107 The south-west wind blew revivingly.

