
单词 restority
释义 reˈstority Obs.
Also 5 restorete, 6 -ytee.
[var. of restorative.]
A restorative. Also fig.
c1460Towneley Myst. xii. 238 This is a restoreté, To make a good appeté.1576Fleming tr. Caius' Dogs To Rdr., The lyfe of this man was not so great a restority of comfort, as his death was an vlcer or wound of sorrow.1586B. Young Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iv. 219 b, In y⊇ meane while liue & vse this good hope as a restoritie for you.1596T. Dawson Good Huswifes Jewell ii. 48 The stilling of a capon, a great restority.
b. Without article, chiefly predicative.
1553Respublica 889 Nowe lett vs sing, yf ytt please Authoritee, to refreshe oure spirites, yt ys restorytee.1565J. Calfhill Answ. Martiall iv. 94 b, Such a drug, as I would wysh no worse for my Lords own holinesse,..for doubtlesse it is restoritie to such.a1612Harington Epigr. ii. lxxxviii, A lie, well told to some, tastes ill restoritie.1620–6Quarles Feast for Wormes 1759 These precious vyands are Restoritie, Eate then.a1644Virg. Widow iii. i, D'ye want Restority? Are the plummets of your soule downe?

