
单词 Antilegomena
释义 Antilegomena, n. pl.|ˌæntɪlɪˈgɒmɪnə|
[Gr. ἀντιλεγόµενα (Eus. Caes.), neut. pl. of pres. pple. pass. of ἀντιλέγειν to gainsay, pass. to be disputed.]
(See quot. 1957.)
[1847Crusé tr. Eusebius's Eccl. Hist. (ed. 4) 247 He has given us abridged accounts of all the canonical Scriptures, not even omitting those that are disputed (The Antilegomenoi).]1875Encycl. Brit. II. 128/2 The following is a catalogue of the Antilegomena.1957Oxf. Dict. Chr. Ch. 62/1 Antilegomena, the word is used by Eusebius of Caesarea..of those Scriptural books of which the claim to be considered a part of the NT canon was disputed. He subdivided them into (1) those ‘generally recognized’ (γνώριµοι), viz. Jas., Jude, 2 Pet., 2 and 3 Jn.; and (2) the ‘spurious’ (νόθοι), viz. the ‘Acts of Paul’, the ‘Shepherd of Hermas’, the ‘Apoc. of Peter’, the ‘Ep. of Barnabas’, the ‘Didache’, and (perhaps) the ‘Rev. of St. John’.

