
单词 replication
释义 replication|rɛplɪˈkeɪʃən|
Also 4–5 replicacioun, 5–6 -cion(e, 6 -cyon; 4 replycasion, etc.
[a. OF. replication, -cion (also reppli-), ad. L. replicātiōn-em folding back, repetition, (in legal use) reply, n. of action f. replicāre to unfold, reflect on, reply, f. re- re- + plicāre to fold.]
1. The action of folding up or back; the result of this; a fold. rare.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. xii. 82 (Camb. MS.), Ne fooldesthow nat to-gydere by replycasion of wordis a manere wondyrful cercle or enuyronynge.1578Banister Hist. Man iv. 45 Sometyme by extension..otherwhiles by replication and enfoldyng therof..the eyes may both open and shut.1857Faraday Exp. Res. liii. 399 It..may consist of an infinity of parts resulting from replications.
2. a. Reply, answer, rejoinder. Also in phr. without (any) replication, without reply being allowed; without protest or opposition.
c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 988 My wyl is this for plat conclusion, With outen any repplicacion, If that you liketh, take it for the beste.1433Lydg. S. Edmund ii. 883 By a maner replicacioun Ech onto other gan crye in ther walkyng.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 203 Thow þes sottes a-ȝens me make replycacyon, I woll suffer non to spryng of þat kenred.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 478/1 To minystre mayster Tyndall so muche pleasaunte matter of replicacyon.1588Parke tr. Mendoza's Hist. China 88 The sentence pronounced against them..is foorthwith executed without any replication or appellation.1637R. Humfrey tr. St. Ambrose i. 11 To open my mouth by way of replication.1652J. Wright tr. Camus' Nat. Paradox x. 238 The pitiful Prisoner suffered herself to bee bound..without the least Replication.1729Gay Polly 11, Such raillery as this, my dear, requires replication.1784R. Bage Barham Downs I. 97 But, vanity apart, I am most happy in a promptitude of replication.1815Zeluca III. 265 This is retort, and replication about a phrase—a word—a nothing.1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. III. vii. 105 The ‘political adventurer’..excelled in quick and concise replication.
b. With a and pl. A reply, answer.
c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 4464, I wil lyke myn oppinioun Make a replicacioun To that ye han rehersed here.1414Rolls of Parlt. IV. 57/1 Whereby that I myghte have answered in lawe to all maner of persones, that ony Replicacions wolden have maked aȝeyns ony Article of my billes.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. cci. [cxcvii.] 616 There was no man spake a worde nor made no replycacion.1535Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 416 Your Discrete answers and replicacions made in that behalf.1586Bright Melanch. xvi. 92 A man of hasty disposition..will make reply..before the tale be halfe told, whereby he faileth in his replication.1614Raleigh Hist. World iii. (1634) 37 With which taxation inflamed, he used this replication.c1670Bunyan Differences Judgm. Wks. 1737 II. 72, I find yours far short of a candid Replication.1727A. Hamilton New Acc. E. Ind. II. liv. 284 The Peasants made solid Replications to the Complaints of the Portugueze.1798I. Allen Hist. Vermont 164 The replication to the foregoing observations was, that the territory of Vermont should be a colony under the Crown.1830James Darnley xxxvii, An angry replication trembled on the lip of the English captain.
c. An answer to a charge. Obs. rare.
1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 150/1 Upon the replication of the vicount..knights were appointed to examine all such witnesses.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xxxviii. (1739) 57 A Judge suffered death for passing Sentence upon the Coroner's only Record; unto which a Replication is allowed.
3. spec. A reply to an answer.
c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. iv. 1508 Therfore I answere to ȝoure replicacion, Seruynge somwhat now ȝoure entent.1461Rolls of Parlt. V. 465/2 The answeres therunto yeven, and the replications to the same made.1642in Rushw. Hist. Coll. iii. (1692) I. 610 The Petition of the Lords and Commons..together with his Majesty's Answer thereunto, and a Replication of the said Lords and Commons to the said Answer.1711Shaftesbury Charac. (1737) III. 14 Those mighty controversys,..the subsequent Defences, the Answers, Rejoinders, and Replications.1732Berkeley Alciphr. v. §20 Those arguments, answers, defences, and replications.
b. Law. The reply of the plaintiff to the plea or answer of the defendant, being the third step in common pleadings. Also without article.
1453Paston Lett. I. 260 To that that he hath aunsuerd y have replyed yn such wyse that y trowe..that there shall no vayllable thyng be seyd to the contrarie of my seyd replicacion.1490Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 101 The replycacion of Margaret Scargill to the answere of William Scargill.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 13 Howe the declaracion, the answere, replicacion, & rejoyndre shulde be made:..I remyt yt to men of lawe.1591Harington Orl. Fur. xiv. lxxiii, Her lap was full of writs and of citations,..Of bils, of answers, and of replications.a1625Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 279 Against the plea that the parties to the fine had nothing &c. it is no good replication, that the parties were seised.1682Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) I. 201 The atturney generall some time since putt in a replication to the plea of the citty of London in defence of their charter.1768Blackstone Comm. III. 310 The plaintiff..may in his replication, after an evasive plea by the defendant, reduce that general wrong to a more particular certainty.1817W. Selwyn Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 759 By the replication it appeared, that the defendant was not charged as a rightful but as wrongful executor.1865Nichols Britton II. 141 Let the objection of bastardy be then determined upon replication.
fig.1649W. M. Wandering Jew (1857) 48 She has Demurs, and Replications and Rejoinders; but my case hangs, and no order can I get set downe in this tedious Court of Cupid.
c. Roman Law. (See quot.)
1880Muirhead Gaius iv. §126 It becomes necessary to introduce yet another clause..for the pursuer's benefit, which is called a replication, because thereby the force of the exception is replicated and destroyed.
a. Repetition. Obs.
c1425Orolog. Sapient. ii. in Anglia X. 342/12 He..ȝafe him to meditacione of þe passione of owre lord Ihesu &..was..helede by continuele replicacione þer-of.1594Carew Huarte's Exam. Wits (1616) 131 What the things bee..wee haue heretofore made mention: now we will returne to a replication of them.1683Tryon Way to Health 642 Those seven Notes are the Basis of all Musical Composition. The Number Eight is a beginning again, or a replication or repetition of the same.
b. Logic. (See quot.) Obs. rare— 0.
1727–38Chambers Cycl., Replication, the assuming or using the same term twice in the same proposition: otherwise called reduplication.
c. Science. Repetition of an experiment or trial so as to test the trustworthiness of its conclusion.
1926Jrnl. Min. Agric. XXXIII. 506 The method adopted is that of replication.1953New Biol. XIV. 85 More than one sample must always be taken in order to discover the natural variation between individual samples. This is termed ‘replication’.1971Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXV. 200 The stability of the means can be seen to be high in the replications.
5. Return of a sound; reverberation, echo.
1601Shakes. Jul. C. i. i. 51 Tyber trembled vnderneath her bankes To heare the replication of your sounds, Made in her Concaue Shores.1737Glover Leonidas vi. 264 The echoes sigh'd In lulling replication.1850Blackie æschylus II. 250 With replication loud, Leapt the blithe echo from the rocky shore.1859Farrar J. Home 206 Heavens! what a melody of replications!
fig.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §36. 582 Then will the second Hypostasis be look'd upon as the Eccho of an original Voice;..as if both..were but certain Replications of the first original Deity with Abatement.
6. a. A copy, reproduction. Also, the action of reproducing.
1692Ray Disc. 209 Every thing that resembles and comes near to it, and is as it were a replication of it.1859Farrar J. Home 70 The notes..mainly consisted of replications of Mr. Grayson's placid physiognomy.1882W. Sharp Rossetti iii. 179 More fitting for its water-colour stage than for replication in a large oil-painting.1951V. E. Cosslett Pract. Electron Microscopy ix. 223 Most materials for replication are initially either too rough or too smooth for the purpose.1966D. G. Brandon Mod. Techniques Metallogr. 45 A major advance in replication technique was made when Bradley discovered that an evaporated carbon film was virtually structureless and would faithfully follow surface contours down to a limit of resolution of about 20 Å.1969Computer & Humanities III. 193 Gutenberg's press in mid-fifteenth century made multiple replication of the visual expression of ideas practicable.1972Language XLVIII. 346 The vocalic sub-hierarchy assigns markedness values exclusively by means of replication, whereas the consonantal sub-hierarchy assigns markedness values by means of complementation and replication, depending on the feature specification.1975New Yorker 3 Mar. 96/3 The real triumph of ‘Female Friends’ is the gritty replication of the gross texture of everyday life, placed in perspective and made universal.
b. Biol. The process by which genetic material or a living organism gives rise to a copy of itself.
1948Nature 5 June 872/2 Replication seems commonly to mark the end of active cell division and the onset of differentiation.1955Sci. Amer. Oct. 70/1 Sometimes, because of a mistake in some step of the replication process, a daughter cell gets a gene carrying a garbled message; that is, it does not bear precisely the same information as its original counterpart.1971D. J. Cove Genetics v. 73 (caption) M. Meselson and F. W. Stahl's experiment to demonstrate the semi-conservative replication of DNA.1972Proc. R. Soc. B. CLXXXI. 29 Replication of chromosomal DNA occurs in sections arranged in tandem.1977Sci. Amer. Dec. 94/2 In viral replication (and microbial replication in general) mutants appear at a frequency of about one in a million particles, depending on the viral strain and the conditions of culture.

