
单词 pyrope
释义 pyrope|ˈpaɪərəʊp|
Forms: 4 pirope, 7 pirop, 7–9 pyrop, 9 pyrope; also in Lat. form 6 piˈropus, 7–9 pyˈropus, (pl. -i).
[a. OF. pirope (13th c. in Godef.), ad. L. pyrōpus gold-bronze, also a kind of gem, a. Gr. πυρωπός gold-bronze, lit. ‘fiery-eyed’, f. πῦρ, πυρ- fire + ὤψ eye, face.]
1. In early use applied vaguely to a red or fiery gem, as ruby or carbuncle. Also attrib.
13..K. Alis. 5682 Jacynkte, Piropes, Crisolites.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 14 Piropi (whiche are a kind of Rubies or Carbuncles).1602Campion Eng. Poesie vii. in G. G. Smith Eliz. Crit. Ess. (1904) II. 345 The glossy Pirop faines to blaze, But toucht cold appeares, and an earthy stone.1625Lisle Du Bartas, Noe 154 Two pyrops are her eyes Or flaming carbuncles.1795Southey Joan of Arc ii. 84 Rubies and amethysts..With the gay topaz,..and the emerald's hue, And bright pyropus.1948R. Graves Coll. Poems, 1914–1947 237 He carved his law on tables of sapphirus, Jerusalem shines with his pyrope gates.
2. Min. Applied by Werner, 1803 (Pyrop), to the Bohemian garnet or fire-garnet, a deep-red gem. Also pyrope garnet.
1804Edin. Rev. III. 301 The pyrop, which has lately exfoliated from the class of garnets, has no difference but superior beauty.1805–17R. Jameson Char. Min. (ed. 3) 91 Precious garnet, pyrope and iron-sand.1840Browning Sordello vi. 411 Cool citrine-crystals, fierce pyropus-stone.1868Dana Min. (ed. 5) 267 The original pyrope is the kind containing chrome.1888Rutley Rock-Forming Min. 112 Pyrope, or magnesia-alumina garnet.1959Times 31 Oct. 9/5 Four..types of garnets interest the collector..the red varieties pyrope and almondine being the most popular... Carbuncles are the large oval red pyrope garnets which were cut en cabochon.1976Nature 8 Apr. 517/2 In the Elie Ness vent, high pressure pyroxenes and pyrope garnets indicate rapid elevation from depths in excess of 60 km.1977A. Hallam Planet Earth 34/3 It is likely that the mantle consists dominantly of magnesium olivine,..together with smaller amounts of enstatite.., diopside.., pyrope garnet (Mg3Al2Si3O12) and perhaps some phlogopite mica.

