
单词 punishable
释义 punishable, a.|ˈpʌnɪʃəb(ə)l|
[f. punish v. + -able. Cf. F. punissable (14–15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), perh. the immediate source.]
Liable to punishment; capable of being punished. a. Of a person.
1531Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. i, Tenauntes for terme of lyfe..be punysshable of waste by the statute:..but at the comon lawe before that statute they were nat punysshable.1699Burnet 39 Art. x. (1700) 117 No man is accountable, rewardable or punishable, but for that in which he acts freely.1749Fielding Tom Jones (1775) III. 94, I think it is a pity these hags are not punishable by law.1874Sidgwick Meth. Ethics iv. iii. 408, I should be legally punishable if I omitted the act.
b. Of an offence: Entailing punishment.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Matt. v. 24 b, Wherfore emonge the Jewes, onely periury is punyshable.1632Massinger City Madam i. i, 'Tis more punishable in our house Than scandalum magnatum.1766Blackstone Comm. II. xviii. 278 It is not an offence punishable in a criminal way at the common law.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) II. 637 An attempt was made to repress it, by treating it as a punishable offence.1909Daily Chron. 29 Nov. 3/1 If a punishable play is produced, the author and the lessee..should be punished.1959Daily Tel. 31 Dec. 1/7 Confiscation of the latest issue of Reichsruf, weekly newspaper of the extreme Right-wing German Reich Party, and another party journal,..was ordered by a Bielefeld court today. They were stated to have ‘punishable contents’.
c. In sense 3 of the verb.
1910Blackw. Mag. July 106/2 The punishable [ball] escaped scot-free.
Hence ˈpunishableness, the quality of being punishable; ˈpunishably adv., in a punishable manner or to a punishable degree.
1727Bailey vol. II, Punishableness, Capableness or liableness to be punished.1786A. Gib Sacr. Contempl. 272 In respect of guilt or of punishableness.1857Ruskin Pol. Econ. Art ii. (1868) 173 The guiltily and punishably poor.1860Pusey Min. Proph., Amos v. 20 The soul is a witness to its own deathlessness, its own accountableness, its own punishableness.

