“ready money”的英英意思

单词 ready money
释义 ˈready ˈmoney
[ready a. 10 a.]
Coined money, cash, as being immediately available for use; also, immediate payment in coin for anything bought. (In common use from 15th c.)
c1420Sir Amadace (Camden) xii, A marchand of this cite, Hade..euiryche ȝere thre hundrythe pownde, Of redy monay, and of rowunde.1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 27 §7 The Capytayne..agreyd to have..the said therde parte in redye money and nott in vitayles.1613Purchas Pilgrimage iii. x. (1614) 295 Readie monie is their surest riches, because the Grande Signior is their surest Heire.1712Steele Spect. No. 264 ⁋2 He had at this Time fifty Pounds in ready Money.1787Bentham Def. Usury iii. 19 No man..ever thinks of borrowing money to spend, so long as he has ready money of his own.1885Law Rep. 29 Chanc. Div. 468 The company was in great difficulties for ready money.
Prov.1630J. Taylor (Water P.) Trav. Twelve Pence Wks. i. 72/2 The Prouerbe true doth say That ready money euer will away.
Hence ˈready-ˌmoney attrib. phr. (a) characterized by immediate payment in money for articles bought; (b) paying ready money.
1712Steele Spect. No. 546 ⁋3 He cannot expose that to the hazard of giving credit, but enters into a ready-money trade.1822Scott Pirate xviii, Having been hitherto a ready-money trade.1865Sat. Rev. 21 Jan. 79/2 The transactions..require only ready-money dealing.1898J. B. Wollocombe From Morn till Eve x. 236 The landlord carried on a ready-money business.
1796Nelson in Nicolas Disp. (1845) II. 221, I think you will like to have these ready-money gentry come amongst you.1895Pall Mall G. 17 Oct. 3/1 Within handy reach of every ready-money housekeeper in the kingdom.

