
音标: 英 [ri:pɒpjʊ'leɪʃn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE



n. The act of repeopling; act of furnishing with a
population anew.


1. And repopulate it with the girls she's transformed.


2. This is for repopulation purposes only, so there are going to be rules.

我们这样只是为了繁衍后代 所以要有规矩

3. Well, to be honest, we only got married to repopulate.

说实话 我们结婚是为了繁衍

4. All the others are thriving and we expect them to be able to repopulate.

其它物种都欣欣向荣 我们也希望它们能重新繁衍壮大

5. He then leaves the site alone for five years to repopulate.

之后的5年他不会再来此采集 以待海胆数量的恢复

6. I know, but the space isn't really helping with our repopulation plan.

我知道 但你的空间不利于 我们的繁衍计划啊

7. Your settlement is slated to be purged and repopulated with replacement units.

我们将净化你的居民点 并填入替代品

8. Now, this whole repopulation thing grinds to a halt until that baby is born.

现在 直到这宝宝出世之前 人类都不可能继续繁衍
