
音标: 英 ['tɪŋklɪŋ] 美 ['tɪŋklɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 叮叮声

s. like the short high ringing sound of a small bell


1. I have to tinkle, and there's a wasp in mine.

我想嘘嘘 可是我家厕所里有胡蜂

2. But that flush was for a tinkle. I swear.

但是我发誓 冲水是因为小便了

3. So, any questions, just give me a tinkle.


4. You are not officially a man until you've done a nature tinkle.

如果没在外随地小便过 就不是真正的男人

5. Yo, how much I tinkle and when I do it is none of your business.

我尿多少 什么时候尿 都和你无关

6. Don't talk to me like I'm a child, just 'cause I have to tinkle.

别因为我得* 就把我当小孩

7. All right, well, I have to go take my morning tinkle.

好了 我得先去撒泡晨尿

8. Because asking her a question means giving her a chance to tinkle.

因为向她提问 就是给她机会去上厕所

9. Okay, kids, chop chop. I gotta tinkle.

孩子们快点 我着急*
