
音标: 英 [kri:p]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 爬, 徐行, 蠕动
vi. 爬, 蔓延, 潜行

n. someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
n. a slow longitudinal movement or deformation
n. a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot
v. grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface)


1. And the bald creep, creeps, whatever, they're doing the passes.

那个 那些秃头怪胎 随便他们叫什么 他们在分发

2. I get the serious creeps from those serious creeps.


3. I'm so creeped out by what we're doing.


4. If your client didn't want his wife to know he was a creep, then he shouldn't have been such a creep.

如果你的客户不想 让他的妻子知道他是一个渣男 那他就不应该当去做这些*事情

5. No, I'm creeped out that I'm that predictable.

不 想不到我竟然这么容易被人看透

6. If this creep did it once, he did eh.


7. He's a creep, but he's not a killer.

他是很怪 但他不会杀人

8. I need to cut in. with that creep.

我得插个队 站在榭寄生下

9. It's funny how loss creeps up on you.


10. It's what that creep said on the phone.

