
音标: 英 [ɑ:nt] 美 [ænt, ɑnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 阿姨, 姨妈, 舅妈, 姑妈, 伯母

n. the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle


1. And a aunt,but who ain't really my aunt.

还有个阿姨 可是她不是我真的阿姨

2. Hishis aunt is in the way, his aunt dies.

他舅妈碍着他的事了 然后他舅妈去世了

3. On the first birthday after my aunt died, my family wrote messages to my aunt of all the things they never got a chance to say.

我姑妈去世后的第一个生日 我家人给她写了很多话 那些再也没有机会说出口的话

4. That's what my aunt does. I get that.

都是我的姑妈负责解释 我明白

5. It's what your aunt would have wanted you to do.


6. They said my own aunt ratted me out.


7. I have aunts and uncles and cousins.

我有姑妈 叔父 堂兄妹

8. I didn't think you'd object to your own aunt.


9. Or because you were slicing your aunt's throat.


10. Kubo, your aunts are still out there.

久保 你的阿姨们还在外面
