
音标: 英 [dæŋd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. , adv. [口语、委婉语]=damned


1. Well, dang, the rototiller's in the shop.

糟糕 旋耕机在商店里呢

2. Dang, man, I thought I scratched that off.

妈的 我还以为我把它刮掉了

3. Dang, I haven't had that since, like, elementary.

* 我小学以后就没吃过那个了

4. Dang it, he was supposed to be helping me with the cows.

该死 他本来应该帮我照顾奶牛

5. Stuff I've agreed to on a bender...dang.

我喝醉后答应过的事 叫你惊掉下巴

6. Dang, I'm just asking if you was cool.

喂 我只是问问你没事吧

7. He is feasting on her like it is a dang milk shake.

他在她逼上大餐 就像在吃奶昔一樣

8. You spot a crystal or dangly earrings, those are keepers.

你要是看到有人戴着水晶或者晃来晃去的耳环 盯住了

9. Dang, mama, I was gonna make you my boo.

见鬼了 大妈 我还想好好跟你玩玩

10. Dang, buddy, I am telling you something big here.

见鬼 哥们 我这跟你说人生大事呢
