
音标: 英 [nɪt] 美 [nɪt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 编织, 结合

n. a fabric made by knitting
n. a basic knitting stitch
n. needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
v. make (textiles) by knitting


1. and knit, obviously, 'cause it's a knitting circle.

当然还织毛衣 因为是织毛衣的朋友圈

2. Only, with me around, you wouldn't have to knit.

而我在场时 你就不用编织

3. Or you would be if I still had my knitting needles.

要是我还有 我的编织针的话

4. So are knitting and sewing, but I can do both.

编织和缝纫也是两码事 但我都能做

5. Knitting or biplanes, one or the other.

要么针织要么双翼机 二选一

6. If you get chilly, here's a blanket that I knitted you.

如果你冷了 這是我為你織的毯子

7. So the least I can do knit him a hat.

所以我至少还能为他 编织一顶帽子

8. She said she's been out most nights at some knitting club.

她说她大部分晚上 都要去什么编织俱乐部

9. I've given up gambling and replaced it with knitting.


10. Everyone had to knit a sweater for the final.

