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vi. 吹号(bugle的现在分词形式)

v play on a bugle


1. Same thing you've been doing since you put on those bugles.

自从做了队长 你一直都是这样做的

2. When the bugle sounds again, it will be the year 1863.

军号再次响起时 时间会穿梭到1863年

3. You know I got my eye on that bugle in the back.


4. Girl, we've been here 30 seconds, and you already blew your bugle.

小姐 我们才刚到30秒 你就已经兴奋地吹号[嗑药]了

5. You do that, and I will take those bugles from your collar my damn self.

你要敢这么做 我就亲手把你 领子上的扣子拽下来

6. Well, that's, uh, that's very nice, but, uh, there's no big market for bugles.

好吧 吹得不错 但是军号没什么市场

7. Herrmann, I don't understand why you think bugles on your collar means you're not allowed to have fun anymore.

赫尔曼 我不明白为什么你觉得 你衣领上有号角意味着 你不能再开心地玩了

8. I would have told them I was, like, a general, and then they'd show up and find out that I just get water for the bugle boy.

本来我告诉他们 我是个将军 结果他们到了现场 发现 我不过是个给号角手送水的小兵
