
音标: 英 ['plaʊɪŋ] 美 ['plaʊɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 耕作(美作:plowing)

n tilling the land with a plow
v move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil
v to break and turn over earth especially with a plow


1. And it sounded like a plough truck that was ploughing snow, like, coming round on this back road, which was really weird, because they weren't even ploughing the main streets, the weather was so crazy.

听起来像扫雪车正在铲雪 而且是从后面这条路过来的 这点很诡异 因为扫雪车甚至连主路都不清 天气太怪了

2. This winter, you have to be yoked to the plough.

这个冬天 你们必须要紧密团结

3. Until I balloon to the size of a plough horse.


4. To be honest, I'm just going to plough on.

说真的 我准备努把力继续

5. They all have to be ploughed in time for the rains in a few weeks' time.

这些梯田 要赶在短短的几周雨季里抓紧犁好

6. There's a farmer ploughing his field, there's a shepherd with his flock.

农民在犁地 牧羊人在放羊

7. I prefer to plough every last penny into the mine.


8. And then ploughs through the cloud, catching any fish confused by the sudden blackout.

然后在泥浆中快速穿梭 捕食那些被这突如其来的泥浆弄晕的鱼儿

9. Crushed beneath his plough like a grape beneath the foot.


10. If I opted to plough my profits back into the mine, instead of taking a dividend.

如果我把盈利再投到矿井 而不是拿红利
