
音标: 英 [ri:p] 美 [rip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 收割, 收获, 获得
vi. 收割, 得到报应

v. gather, as of natural products
v. get or derive


1. Their harvest was here, the reaping was here.

他们的收获仪式在这里 收割仪式也在这里

2. It is you, the slapped, who's reaping the benefits.

反而是你 这个被扇的人 捞尽了好处

3. If it was me, I would have started the reaping already.

如果是由我来做决定 我早就开始收割了

4. But you do what I ask, you'll reap the benefits.

但照我说的做 你会得到回报

5. You do all the work and reap no reward.

你把活儿全干了 却没捞着好处

6. Do it for her and then I will reap the benefits.

为她加油 然后我就沾光了

7. Won't be a problem once I reap your bounty.


8. Maybe you're about to reap what you sow.

那你可真是種惡因 收惡果啊

9. she's reaping all the benefits of his time with me.


10. Or a heaping bounty that you must reap for yourself.

还是你得要 亲自去赢取的一大笔赏金
