
音标: 英 [ˈteɪkən] 美 [ˈtekən]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE



s. be affected with an indisposition


1. and taken from me and taken and taken from me.

不停索取 无尽地索取

2. You've taken my career from me, you've taken my home.

你把我的事业夺走了 家也夺走了

3. What's taken from one of us is taken from all of us.

夺走我们一人的东西 等于夺走我们所有人的东西

4. I thought that I must've taken it and then forgotten that I'd taken it.

我想我一定是把它吃了 然后忘记我吃过了

5. That could be where they were taken.


6. The three sections were taken apart, and then they were taken out and dumped.

三个部分被拆开 然后又被丢弃掉

7. No further action was taken, as no further action was taken in other cases of this kind.

没有对他采取其它措施 就像类似情况也不会有采取其他措施

8. Yeah, which was offered as fake bait and taken as such, ie, not taken.

对 那是一个假陷阱 就是这个 他没有上钩

9. If he's taken out two of boss' enemies, he's probably taken out a lot more.

如果他解决了博斯先生的这两个敌人 那么他其实可能解决了不止两个

10. He says nothing was taken from the safe and he doesn't think anything was taken from the floor.

他说保险箱没有失窃 也没有东西失窃
