
音标: 英 [ˈlɔ:meɪkə(r)] 美 [ˈlɔˌmekɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 立法者

n a maker of laws; someone who gives a code of laws


1. I saw that tip that table of lawmakers gave you.


2. Now state lawmakers want answers as to why this happened to him.


3. What our lawmakers are doing, sniping at each other, going round and round in circles.

而咱们的立法者 却在互相诽谤 不断地绕圈子

4. You know, I've delivered the children of every prominent politician, lawmaker, and newspaper man in this city.

这个城市里 所有卓越的政客 立法者 媒体人的孩子 都是由我接生的

5. And the only thing preventing us from doing truly visionary work are these moralbased restrictions that lawmakers put up in the name of public policy.

实际上真正阻拦我们迈向 美好的梦想的脚步的 是那些所谓的法律制定者们 鼓吹的所谓*道德 和公共利益

6. Following a teacher walkout that began ten days ago, state lawmakers finally passed a new education budget bill providing, on average, a $3,000 raise for teachers statewide.

随着十天前的教师罢工 州议员们终于通过了一项新的教育预算法案 给全州教师提供平均三万元的涨薪
