
音标: 英 ['slʌɡɪʃnəs] 美 ['slʌɡɪʃnəs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


不振, 萧条, 呆滞; 惰性; 滞性; 惯性

n. the pace of things that move relatively slowly


1. Blown on the right, sluggish on the left.

右眼瞳孔扩散 左眼反应迟缓

2. Oh, great. I have been feeling sluggish.

太好了 我最近一直感觉变迟钝了

3. Her right pupil is dilated and sluggish.

她右侧瞳孔扩散 移动缓慢

4. I'm just helping your sluggish code keep up.


5. Her cap refill is sluggish and her pressure's falling.

她毛细血管再充盈缓慢 而且血压在下降

6. She took quite a fall and her pupils are sluggish.

她摔得很厉害 而且瞳孔已经放大

7. The digital antibodies are doing their job, but progress is sluggish.

数字抗体正在发挥作用 但进展缓慢

8. Anything more than three hours and I'm sluggish all day.

睡过三小时 我整天都会迟钝

9. Eating lunch before I do a scene makes me sluggish.


10. And the last 48 hours, it seems sluggish, depressed.

过去的两天里 它似乎有些呆滞 抑郁
