
音标: 英 [ˈbedfeləʊ] 美 [ˈbɛdˌfɛlo]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 同床者, 伙伴

n. a temporary associate
n. a person with whom you share a bed


1. military and marriage are no easy bedfellows.

军队和婚姻之间 一山不容二虎

2. Making gunpowder and being careful are good bedfellows.


3. Punk and the record industry were not the easiest of bedfellows.


4. No,truly not,although,until last night,I have this twelvemonth been her bedfellow.

那倒没有 虽然在昨晚之前我跟她已经同床睡了一年

5. Unlikely bedfellows, yes, but therein lies our beauty.

看似不可能的盟友 没错 但这就是美丽所在

6. I am perfectly aware the apocalypse makes for some very odd bedfellows.

我很明白 末日降臨會促成一些奇怪的結盟

7. Well, hope and the odds make poor bedfellows.


8. I realize that makes us strange bedfellows, but we actually are on the same side.

虽然这样很不搭 但我们确实在同一条船上

9. Sadly, science and moral absolutes do not make easy bedfellows.

可惜 科学和道德相处并不融洽

10. Three unlikelier bedfellows a man would struggle to find. Indeed.

谁都会想要的三个盟友 是的
