音标: 英 ['lesiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


莱辛(Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781, 德国诗人, 批评家及戏剧家)

n. German playwright and leader of the Enlightenment (1729-1781)
n. English author of novels and short stories who grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) (born in 1919)


1. Less I'm with you, less I'm in the paper.

我少和你待在一起 就能少上几回报纸

2. We're going to have to eat less salt, less meat, less dairy.

我们以后要少吃盐 肉 奶制品

3. Each bounce, the radiation gets less and less and less, until, at the end of it, there should be no radiation coming out.

每一次反射 放射线都会被削弱 直到最后已经没有放射线出来

4. But while we would be entitled to less, we would be no less worthy.

虽然我们合理期望的东西少了 但我们的价值并不会减少

5. Heart's beating less and less on its own.


6. My overall score is less, it's less than it was.

我的总体成绩是差 还不如之前那个

7. A boyfriend I think less and less about.


8. We trust them less, we have less interaction with them, we bond less than ever before, we marry less, and marriage is under more threat than ever before, and all the associations that represent sort of permanent, unconditional human affection are being eroded or damaged.

我们对他人的信任减少 互动减少 更少与人结合 更少结婚 婚姻比以往面临更大的威胁 代表长久的 无条件的人类互爱的 所有这些关系 都遭到了侵蚀和破坏

9. Ansel's landscapes, more, surely more than any of the great 19th century photographers who worked over much of the same territory, are much less about sculpture, they're less about geology, they're less about permanence, they're less about the solidity of the rocks, than about the ephemeral nature of the rocks.

安塞尔的风景照 无疑已经超越了十九世纪 所有同领域的伟大摄影师 他的照片不再只是记录形态 不再只是记录地质 不再只是记录永恒的存在 不再只是记录岩石的硬度 更多是记录岩石的瞬息万变

10. So in the less attractive face, there's a less defined bone structure, less high cheekbones, the colour is noticeable.

在比较没吸引力的照片里 脸部棱角不太分明 颧骨比较低 肤色很显眼
