
音标: 英 ['mɔ:ris]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 莫里斯(男人名)


1. Maurice, get out of the way. I'm her sponsor.

莫里斯 让开 我是她的保证人

2. Maurice, can I talk to you? I need to talk to you now.

莫里斯 我能和你谈谈吗 现在就要

3. Maurice doesn't want to believe it, you may not want to believe it, but that's the reality.

莫里斯可能不想相信 你可能不想相信 但这是事实

4. Maurice, I realize there's an outstanding, uh but I was hoping to put the luncheon on my tab.

莫里斯 我知道有很多... 但我想把午餐记在我账上

5. Maurice is the most ruthless, ballbreaking cheat buster ever to have removed a child's nipples with a shatterproof ruler.

他非常残酷 是考场作弊的克星 曾经查出有学生藏在*上的防碎的尺子

6. Maurice asked me to come here today to give you all a, brief course in the do's and trynottodo's of sexual haras*ent.

毛里斯让我今天来 给大家简单上一课 关于性骚扰须知事宜
