
音标: 英 [ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpʌblɪʃɚ]
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n. 出版者, 发行人
[法] 发行人, 出版者, 报刊发行者

n. a firm in the publishing business
n. a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music
n. the proprietor of a newspaper


1. You publish a nude, we publish a nude.

你公布一张* 我们也公布一张*

2. It's been published, it's a properly published... it's a book in three volumes.

它已经出版了 是正式出版... 有三卷呢

3. My publisher is livid that I could have sold my next novel to another publisher.

我本来可以 把我下一本小说卖给另一个出版商 这件事让他气坏了

4. The problem is he bribed the publishing company, and that's the only reason my book got published.

问题在于 他贿赂了出版社 这也是我的书能出版的唯一原因

5. One from his publisher, praising his story but regretting that such work was no longer publishable.

一封来自他的出版商 答应他要帮他出版 只可惜现在人们不再印这样的故事了

6. So this publishing house that you're with.


7. I had a publisher who was interested.


8. when she have it,it will be published.

一旦找到 她就会报道出来

9. If you don't publish this, you're as bad as he is.

如果你不发表这篇文章 你就和他一样坏

10. You can't publish what you can't confirm.

