
词组 copybook
释义 copybook BrE /ˈkɒpibʊk/
NAmE /ˈkɑːp-/
blot your ˈcopybook (old-fashioned, informal) spoil a previously good record 做出有损形象的事;玷污清白的记录He paid back the money he had stolen, but he had blotted his copybook and couldn’t hope for promotion.他退还了所偷的钱,可是名声坏了,没有升迁的指望了。 ORIGIN A copybook was an exercise book with printed examples of good writing for children to copy. If you blotted it, you accidentally spoiled it by making a mark with ink on it. * copybook 原指儿童的练字本。blot 指把墨水溅到本子上。

