
单词 dread
释义 dread n 1 [U, C] great fear; terror 恐惧; 畏惧     He has always stood in dread of his father. 他一见到他父亲就害怕.     She has a dread of hospitals. 她害怕医院. 2 [C] thing that is greatly feared 令人惧怕的事物     Poverty is many people´s constant dread. 人常怕受穷. dread, v [Tn, Tf, Tt, Tg, Tsg] fear (sth) greatly 惧怕, 害怕, 畏惧(某事)     dread illness/being ill 害怕生病     I dread that I may never see you again. 我很怕再也见不到你了.     We all dread to think what will happen if the factory closes. 假如工厂关闭可怎麽办, 我们想及此事都不寒而栗.     The moment I had been dreading had arrived. 使我一直忐忑不安的时刻已经来到. dreaded adj greatly feared 非常可怕的     the dreaded scourge of smallpox 可怕的天花祸害.

