
单词 crumb
释义 crumb n 1 [C] very small piece, esp of bread, cake or biscuit, which has fallen off a larger piece 碎屑(尤指面包、 糕饼或饼乾的)     sweep the crumbs off the table 把桌上的食品屑扫掉. 2 [U] soft inner part of a loaf of bread 面包心. 3 [C] small piece or amount 少许; 一点儿     a few crumbs of information 点滴消息     I failed my exam, and my only crumb of comfort (ie the only thing that consoles me) is that I can take it again. 我没考及格, 唯一可宽慰的是还能补考. 4 [C] (infml 口 esp US) contemptible person 可鄙的家伙     You little crumb! 你这无耻小人!

