SASMStrategic Air Space Museum (Ashland, NE)
SASMScottish Audit of Surgical Mortality
SASMScottish Audit of Surgical Mortality (UK)
SASMSouth African Students Movement
SASMSewerage Agency of Southern Marin (Mill Valley, CA)
SASMSelf-Adhered Sheet Membrane
SASMSouth African Society for Microbiology
SASMSouthwest Asia Service Medal
SASMStaff Agency Security Manager (USAF)
SASMSpecial Assistant for Strategic Mobility
SASMSecurity Anti-Spoofing Module (GPS)
SASMSuccessive Approximation State Machine
SASMStudents of the American Society for Microbiology (Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA)
SASMSpecialty Assistant Store Manager (retail position)