ADEPTAdobe Digital Editions Protection Technology
ADEPTAdaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (US NASA)
ADEPTAlexandria Digital Earth Prototype
ADEPTAntibody-Directed Enzyme Pro-Drug Therapy
ADEPTAssisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching
ADEPTAnalytical Design Planning Technique (UK)
ADEPTAutomatic Debiting and Electronic Payment for Transport
ADEPTAlcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Team
ADEPTAdvanced Design Environment Prototype Tool
ADEPTAdministrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission
ADEPTAnalysis-Based Data Exchange for Publications and Training (US DoD)
ADEPTApplying Diagnosis, Etiology, Prognosis & Therapy (methodological filters for retrieving the evidence)
ADEPTAsynchronous Distance Education Project (Stanford University)
ADEPTAdaptive Diagnostic Electronic Portable Testset
ADEPTA Developmental English Proficiency Test (education)
ADEPTAutomated Disaster and Emergency Planning Tool (communicable disease control)
ADEPTAdvanced Dundee Endoscopic Psychomotor Tester (two-handed performance)
ADEPTAdvanced Distributed Engineering and Programming Toolset
ADEPTAcquisition of Desktop Extended Processing Technology (USPS)
ADEPTAdvanced Distributed Environment for Production Technology
ADEPTApplication Disposition Processing and Tracking (Canada)
ADEPTAssisting in Deployment of Energy Practices and Technologies program (US DoE)
ADEPTAdvanced Design Electronic Packaging Technique
ADEPTAssisting Disabled Employment Placement Training
ADEPTApplication Documents Electronically Performed Transmission (e-filing system)
ADEPTAutomated Deposit of Electronic Payment for Taxes
ADEPTAnatomically Design-Engineered Polymer Technology
ADEPTAssociation of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (UK)