JAMJazz Appreciation Month
JAMJust A Minute (chat)
JAMJournal of Applied Mathematics
JAMJust A Moment
JAMJim and Pam (The Office TV show)
JAMJoslyn Art Museum (Omaha, NE)
JAMJupiter Asset Management (UK)
JAMJapan Automatic Machine
JAMJava Abstraction Model
JAMJava Maintainer
JAMJust a Minute
JAMJava Answering Machine
JAMJob Activity Monitor
JAMJoint Assessment Mission
JAMJesus and Me
JAMJaish al Mahdi (The Mahdi Army)
JAMJaysh Al Mahdi (Arabic name of Mahdi militia insurgency group in Iraq)
JAMJava Application Manager
JAMJournal of Applied Meteorology
JAMJunction Adhesion Molecule
JAMJapanese Association of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
JAMJournal of Asset Management
JAMJazz After Midnight
JAMJournal of Applied Measurement (education)
JAMJapanese Association of Museums (est. 1928)
JAMJustice Action Movement
JAMJYACC Application Manager
JAMJoomla Advanced Message (software)
JAMJustified Ancients of Mummu
JAMJust Alanis Morissette
JAMJournal of Audiological Medicine
JAMJuvenile Arrest and Monitoring
JAMJava Adapter for Mainframe (BEA Systems)
JAMJava Agent-enabled Marketplace (BusinessBots, Inc.)
JAMJesus Alive Ministry
JAMJoint Aviation Model
JAMJapan Animation Music (Project)
JAMJoining All Mothers
JAMJoy Among Many
JAMJoint Assessment of Maintainability (US Navy Aegis Weapon System maintainability)
JAMJoining All Minds (Boys and Girls Clubs of Ontario)
JAMJUMPS Action Memorandum
JAMJason and Marcus Detective Agency (comic)
JAMJackson State, Alcorn State and Mississippi Valley State (Universities)