
单词 白兰地
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Jodie always had a large stock of brandy in her cupboard. 乔迪总是在碗橱里储备许多白兰地朗文写作活用〔Armagnac〕A dry brandy.阿马尼亚克酒:一种干白兰地美国传统〔Cognac〕Phillips ordered a cognac.菲利普斯点了一杯干邑白兰地柯林斯高阶〔DRINK〕He took a swig of brandy from a small metal flask. 他从一只小金属扁酒瓶里喝了一大口白兰地朗文写作活用〔FULL〕Pour a little brandy over the sugar and top it up with champagne. 在糖上浇一点白兰地,再倒满香槟。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕His doctor has told him he mustn't drink, but he still has the occasional brandy on the quiet. 医生嘱咐他不要喝酒,可他有时还是要偷偷地喝一杯白兰地朗文写作活用〔TWO〕A double brandy, please. 请来一杯双份白兰地朗文写作活用〔age〕The brandy is aged in oak for ten years.这种白兰地在橡木桶中陈酿了10年。剑桥高阶〔alexander〕A cocktail made with crème de cacao, sweet cream, and brandy or gin.亚历山大鸡尾酒:一种由可可香草甜酒,甜奶油和白兰地或杜松子酒调制而成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔applejack〕Brandy distilled from hard cider.苹果白兰地:由发酵的苹果汁蒸馏制取的白兰地美国传统〔bountiful〕The bountiful host was bringing brandy, whisky, and liqueurs.慷慨的主人拿来了白兰地、威士忌和几种利口酒。外研社新世纪〔brandy〕After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story.几杯白兰地下肚, 迈克尔开始给我讲述他的身世。外研社新世纪〔brandy〕After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story.喝了两杯白兰地后,迈克尔开始向我讲述他的生平。柯林斯高阶〔brandy〕An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.白兰地:从葡萄酒或发酵果汁中蒸发出来的一种含酒精的烈酒美国传统〔brandy〕I'll have some brandy, please.请给我来点儿白兰地牛津搭配〔call〕Peter called the waitress over and ordered a large brandy.彼得把女服务员叫过来,要了一大杯白兰地朗文当代〔calvados〕A French brandy made from apples.卡法多斯:一种苹果制成的法国白兰地美国传统〔chain-drank〕He is chain-drinking brandy.他正在一杯接着一杯地喝着白兰地酒。21世纪英汉〔claret cup〕A chilled drink made of claret mixed with soda, fruit juices, brandy, and sugar.冰镇红酒混合饮料:由红葡萄酒混合苏打水、果汁、白兰地和糖而制成的冰镇饮料美国传统〔cough〕The brandy made her cough and splutter.白兰地呛得她直咳嗽,嘴里的酒都喷了出来。牛津搭配〔cradle〕He cradled his brandy glass in both hands.他双手捧着白兰地酒杯。英汉大词典〔crêpe suzette〕A thin dessert pancake usually rolled with hot orange or tangerine sauce and often served with a flaming brandy or curaçao sauce.苏珊薄饼卷:一种上面卷有热的橙汗或橘汁的甜薄饼卷,食用时浇上点燃的白兰地或库拉索酒沙司美国传统〔dosage〕A dosage of brandy or sugar is sometimes added to wine.有时往葡萄酒里加白兰地或糖。英汉大词典〔double〕Two brandies please, and make mine a double.两杯白兰地,我那杯要双份的。麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕He asked for a drop of brandy.他要了一点儿白兰地麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕I'd just like a drop of brandy, please.请给我一点白兰地酒。韦氏高阶〔drop〕She likes to add a drop of brandy to her tea.她喜欢在茶里加一点点白兰地朗文当代〔ease〕I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给他喝了些白兰地以减轻疼痛。柯林斯高阶〔ease〕I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给他喝了些白兰地缓解疼痛。外研社新世纪〔eggnog〕A drink consisting of milk or cream, sugar, and eggs beaten together and often mixed with an alcoholic liquor such as rum or brandy.蛋奶酒:用牛奶或奶油、糖和蛋搅拌而成,通常混有朗姆酒或白兰地等酒的饮料美国传统〔evaporate〕Add the brandy and the wine, and bubble everything up for 5–10 minutes to evaporate the alcohol and concentrate the juices.加入白兰地和葡萄酒, 随后使其整体沸腾冒泡5至10分钟, 以使酒精蒸发, 果汁得到浓缩。外研社新世纪〔flambé〕The crepes were flambéed with brandy.这些薄饼是浇上白兰地点燃过的。韦氏高阶〔fortified wine〕Wine, such as sherry, to which alcohol, usually in the form of grape brandy, has been added.加度葡萄酒:通常以葡萄白兰地形式加以酒精的酒,如雪利酒等美国传统〔fuddled〕Fuddled by brandy, her brain fumbled over the events of the night.白兰地让她脑子昏昏沉沉的,记不清楚晚上发生的事了。柯林斯高阶〔glass〕The butler was polishing the brandy glasses.男管家正在擦白兰地酒杯。牛津搭配〔glogg〕A hot punch made of red wine, brandy, and sherry flavored with almonds, raisins, and orange peel.瑞典潘趣酒:一种高度混合饮料,由红酒、白兰地和雪碧酒搀合制成,并含有杏仁、葡萄干和桔皮调味料美国传统〔grappa〕An Italian brandy distilled from the pomace of grapes used in winemaking.葡萄酒渣白兰地:一种意大利白兰地,由用于酿酒的葡萄的残渣蒸馏而来美国传统〔hard sauce〕A creamy sauce of butter and sugar with rum, brandy, or vanilla flavoring, served chilled with puddings, gingerbread, or fruitcakes.甜奶油汁:一种由黄油和糖加朗姆酒、白兰地或香草香精调配而成的冷冻后为布丁、姜饼及水果蛋糕调味的奶油调味汁美国传统〔have〕I had myself a small brandy.我喝了一点白兰地酒。英汉大词典〔heady〕I was given a heady mixture of champagne and brandy.别人给了我一杯很容易上头的香槟和白兰地混合酒。外研社新世纪〔inside〕With half a bottle of brandy inside me, I was beginning to feel unsteady.喝下半瓶白兰地后,我开始感到站立不稳了。麦克米伦高阶〔intoxicating〕Brandy is an intoxicating liquor.白兰地是一种烈酒。英汉大词典〔jack〕Applejack.苹果白兰地美国传统〔knock〕Brenda knocked the brandy back quickly.布兰达一口气喝光了白兰地朗文当代〔lace〕I'd like a black coffee with a lace of brandy.我想要一杯加少量白兰地的清咖啡。英汉大词典〔lace〕She laced her coffee with brandy.她在咖啡里加了少量白兰地英汉大词典〔lace〕Someone had laced the punch with brandy.有人在宾治酒中掺入了白兰地韦氏高阶〔last〕He drank the last of the brandy.他把最后剩下的白兰地喝掉。文馨英汉〔light on〕Her eyes lit on the brandy bottle that Atanas had dropped on the floor.她的目光落在了阿塔纳斯丢在地上的那个白兰地酒瓶上。外研社新世纪〔light〕She gets light on one brandy.她喝一杯白兰地就会头晕目眩。文馨英汉〔loquacious〕The brandy made him a bit loquacious.喝了白兰地,他的话多了起来。英汉大词典〔macerate〕Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles.干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。柯林斯高阶〔martyred〕With a faintly martyred air, Eric poured more of his precious cognac.带着几分可怜兮兮的神情, 埃里克又倒了几杯他珍贵的科涅克白兰地酒。外研社新世纪〔medicinal〕He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes.他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。牛津高阶〔medicinal〕I keep a bottle of brandy handy – purely for medicinal purposes.我手头经常备一瓶白兰地 — 纯粹是为了药用目的。朗文当代〔mincemeat〕A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.甜馅:由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅美国传统〔neat〕He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat.他给自己倒了杯白兰地, 未掺水喝了下去。外研社新世纪〔neat〕I can't drink brandy neat.我喝不了纯白兰地朗文当代〔nerve〕Sean drank a large glass of brandy to calm his nerves.肖恩喝了一大杯白兰地,好让自己定定神。朗文当代〔pink lady〕A cocktail of gin, brandy, lemon or lime juice, egg white, and grenadine, shaken with cracked ice and strained.粉红佳人:一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白和石灰水带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成美国传统〔potion〕I drank a huge potion of brandy.我一次喝下了大量白兰地英汉大词典〔pousse-café〕A brandy or liqueur served after dinner with coffee.餐末饮料:餐后饮用加入咖啡的白兰地或酒美国传统〔pull〕Loosen his clothes and give him a little brandy; that'll soon pull him round.把他衣服解开,再给他喝点白兰地,那样可以很快使他苏醒过来。英汉大词典〔raki〕A brandy of Turkey and the Balkans, distilled from grapes or plums and flavored with anise.土耳其白兰地:土耳其和巴尔干半岛产的一种白兰地,用葡萄或李子蒸馏制得,并用大茴香调味美国传统〔sidecar〕A cocktail combining brandy, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon juice.赛德卡鸡尾酒:一种由白兰地、桔味酒和柠檬汁调制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔sip〕He drank the brandy in sips.他小口呷着白兰地牛津搭配〔slivovitz〕A dry colorless plum brandy.梅子白兰地酒:一种无色的梅子干白兰地美国传统〔slop〕A little cognac slopped over the edge of the glass.有一点白兰地溢出了玻璃杯。柯林斯高阶〔smash〕A drink made of mint, sugar, soda water, and alcoholic liquor, usually brandy.斯马喜饮料:一种由薄荷、糖、苏打水和(例如白兰地的)烈性酒混合制成的饮料美国传统〔smell〕You smell cognac.你身上有股科涅克白兰地酒的气味。英汉大词典〔snifter〕A pear-shaped goblet with a narrow top, used especially in serving brandy.高脚小口酒杯:开口窄呈梨形的高脚酒杯,主要用来盛白兰地美国传统〔soak〕Soak the fruit in brandy for a few hours before you add it to the mixture.先把水果放在白兰地中浸泡几个小时,然后再把它加入混合料中。剑桥高阶〔south〕He went south with a bottle of brandy.他偷走了一瓶白兰地英汉大词典〔stock up〕He's stocking up with wine and brandy for the party tonight.他正在为今晚的聚会采购葡萄酒和白兰地21世纪英汉〔swig〕Nancy grabbed the brandy from his hand, and downed it with a single swig.南希从他手中夺过白兰地酒, 一饮而尽。外研社新世纪〔swill〕Cathy swilled the brandy round in her glass.卡西旋动她杯子里的白兰地酒。麦克米伦高阶〔taste〕Come on, have a taste of this brandy.嗨,尝尝这种白兰地酒吧。英汉大词典〔three-star〕He poured himself a three-star cognac.他给自己倒了一杯上等白兰地英汉大词典〔top off〕We topped off the meal with a glass of cognac.我们以一杯干邑白兰地结束了这顿饭。外研社新世纪〔vouchsafe〕Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy.埃里克咬紧牙关, 又给他们倒了点白兰地外研社新世纪〔vouchsafe〕Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy.埃里克咬紧牙关,又给他们倒了些白兰地柯林斯高阶〔whim〕You can add what you want to this mixture - brandy, whisky, or nothing at all - as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料里加入任何你喜欢的东西——白兰地、威士忌或什么也不加——全看你自己。剑桥高阶〔with〕Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy.把水果和坚果放进罐子里,用白兰地酒浸泡。柯林斯高阶After distillation, the brandy is aged in wooden barrels for at least two years.白兰地经过蒸馏以后,被放在木桶里至少陈上两年。剑桥国际Bill treated us to a brandy bust. 比尔请我们大喝白兰地译典通Brandy glasses are curved so that you can put your hands round them in order to warm the brandy.白兰地的酒杯呈弧线形,这样你就可以用手握住杯子以暖暖里面的白兰地剑桥国际David poured two brandies with an unsteady hand. 大卫用颤抖的手倒了两杯白兰地译典通French brandy 法国白兰地剑桥国际He drinks his brandy neat. 他喝白兰地不掺水。译典通He enjoys an after-dinner cigar and brandy.他喜欢在晚饭后抽支雪茄烟,喝杯白兰地剑桥国际He kept a little brandy for medicinal purposes. 他留了点白兰地作药用。译典通His excuse for drinking brandy is that it's said to aid digestion.他喝白兰地的借口是据说白兰地可以帮助消化。剑桥国际I added some kirsch to the trifle.我在酒浸果酱布丁里加了些樱桃白兰地剑桥国际In this part of the country, it is traditional to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.在国内这个地区,把白兰地和咖啡混在一起当早晨提神的饮料喝是个传统。剑桥国际Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.将混合物从高温处挪开,搅入白兰地与香草香精。剑桥国际She drank a pony of brandy. 她喝了一小杯白兰地译典通She swilled the brandy gently round and round in the glass.她将白兰地轻轻在杯中晃荡。剑桥国际The brandy they made me drink burned my throat (= felt painfully hot).我喝了他们硬叫我喝的白兰地,感到喉咙如火烧 。剑桥国际You both smell brandy. 你俩身上都有股白兰地酒的气味。译典通You can add what you like to this mixture--brandy, whisky or nothing at all--as the whim takes you.你可以在这种混合饮料中加入你喜欢的任何东西----白兰地,威士忌或者根本什么都不加----任你随心所欲。剑桥国际

