
单词 生活用品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕I had hardly any money left and was scrimping and saving just to buy the bare necessities. 我的钱所剩无几,就省吃俭用,只买一些最必需的生活用品朗文写作活用〔be up against it〕Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.很多家庭陷入困境,连基本生活用品都买不起。剑桥高阶〔foray〕We made a quick foray into town for some supplies.我们很快进城买了些生活用品韦氏高阶〔get〕Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don't get through to them.如果这些生活用品运不到,数以千计的难民就会死去。牛津高阶〔grubstake〕I grubstaked him to two mules and supplies enough for five months.我向他提供了两头骡和足够5个月的生活用品英汉大词典〔public service〕The business of supplying an essential commodity, such as water or electricity, or a service, such as communications or transportation, to the public.公益事业:为公众提供水或电等基本生活用品或通讯或交通等服务的事业美国传统〔raft〕They rafted their supplies down the river.他们用筏子把生活用品运到河的下游。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕I had enough supplies for six months which I could stretch to eight if need be.我有够6个月用的生活用品,如果必要的话,我可以节俭地用上8个月。英汉大词典He's in charge of procurement for the army.他负责为军队购买生活用品剑桥国际The place where we're going camping is a long way from any shops, so we'll need to make sure we take sufficient supplies with us.我们的露营地离商店很远,所以必须确保带上足够的生活用品剑桥国际

